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Pollard's p-1 Method
   PowerSmooth Number Method
    PowerSmooth Number
     Example of PowerSmooth Number
    Pollard's P-1 Methed by PowerSmooth Number
   Pollard's P-1 Method by PowerSmooth Number Example 1
    Fermat's Little Theorem
    Greatest Common Divisor

Pollard's p-1 Method

Pollard's p-1 method is a prime factorization algorithm discovered by John Pollard in 1974. Limited by the algorithm, the Pollard's p-1 method is only work for integers with specific factors.

One issue of the Pollard's p-1 method by smooth number is the value of k is usually much larger than needed in order to ensure p-1 divides k. Therefore alternative selection of k are developed to reduce the time of computation. Alternative methods of selection of k are

  • limit the index or power ei  for each prime factor pi such that the prime power is just less than and equal to กิn.

  • let k equal to B!

  • let k equal to the least common multiple of 1,2,3,...B

Although these methods can reduce the value of k, there is also the possibility that the prime factor p with p-1 is B-smooth of a number n is excluded such that p-1 does not divide k.

PowerSmooth Number Method

PowerSmooth Number

Another number choosing method for integer k is the making use of the concept of powersmooth number and the specific type of prime factor, i.e. p-1 is the product of primes.

Let x and B be integers. x is said to be B-powersmooth if all the prime power for dividing n are less than or equal to B.

Example of PowerSmooth Number
B B-powersmooth numbers Prime Factors
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 1 20,30,50,70,110,...
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 2 21,
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 3 31,
4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 4 22,
5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 5 51,
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 6 21,31,
7,8,9,10,11,... 7 71,
8,9,10,11,... 8 23,
9,10,11,... 9 32,
5,6,7,8,9,10,11,... 10 21,51,
11,... 11 111,

Unlike smooth number, B is usually considered as the maximum boundry of a group of number. Therefore B can be prime number or composite number providing that B is greater than or equal to the largest prime power factor of x.  The key information from a B-powersmooth number is the prime power factor of a number. The lowest B-powersmooth of a number is larger than or equal to the greatest prime power factor of the number.

Unlike B-smooth number, B-powersmooth number represents a finite set of numbers. Imply


Therefore, x can be defined as the least common multiple of the numbers from 1 to B. Imply


Pollard's P-1 Methed by PowerSmooth Number

Since p-1 divides k, by assuming p-1 is B-powersmooth, if k is also B-powersmooth then the choosen integer k should be sufficienly large to ensure p-1 divides k. Therefore k is equal to the  least common multiple of all numbers less than and equal to B. Imply


Let k equal to xB. Assume p-1 is B-powersmooth, then p-1 divides k.

Pollard's P-1 Method by PowerSmooth Number Example 1

For example: n=203=p*q=7*29; let B=5 imply

Integern">Integer B-powersmooth number Prime Factors number
k 5 22*31*51 = 4*3*5 60

Therefore for B=5, kfor B=5, k5 or (p5-1)m5 is equal to 60.

Fermat's Little Theorem

let a=2, by Fermat's little theorem, let p be one of the prime factors of n, imply p divides ak-1.


Greatest Common Divisor

Since ak-1 is a very large number, before finding the greatest common divisor of n and ak-1,  ak-1 can be raised to the high power modulo n. Imply

Using squarings modulo

base  number; a=2; k=60; n=203
ak base 10 260
ai base 10 21  = 21 ก 2 (mod 203)
22 = 22 ≡ 4 (mod 203)
24 = 42 ≡ 16 (mod 203)
28 = 162 ≡ 53 (mod 203)
216 = 532 ≡ 170 (mod 203)
232 = 1702 ≡ 74 (mod 203)
 ak base 10 232+16+8+4
 ak base 10 232*216*28*24
ak base 10 74*170*53*16 ≡ 190 (mod 203)



The greatest common divisor of n and ak-1 is

Using Euclid's algorithm

ak-1 n
260-1 203
190-1 203
189 203
189 203-189
189 7
189-27*7 7
0 7



Integer 7, the greatest common divisor of n and ak-1 is also the prime divisor of n. And p-1 is  5-powersmooth.

Integer B-powersmooth number Prime Factors number
p-1 3, 5 21*31 6
k 5 22*31*51 = 4*3*5 60
k/(p-1)   21*30*51 10

Since the greatest prime power factor of p-1 is 3-smooth also. And therefore the prime factor 7 can also be found by using B=3

Integer B-powersmooth number Prime Factors number
p-1 3 21*31 6
k 3 21*31 = 2*3 6
k/(p-1)   20*30 1

let a=2, by Fermat's little theorem, imply p divides  26-1 ≡ 63 (mod 203)

The greatest common divisor of n and ak-1 is gcd(63,203)= 7

And 7 is the prime divisor of n as before.


ID: 120500009 Last Updated: 5/17/2012 Revision: 0

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