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VBScript Declaration Statement
 Const Statement
 Dim Statement
 ReDim Statement
 Erase Statement
 Private Statement
 Public Statement

VBScript Declaration Statement

The declaration statements are Const Statement.

Const Statement

last updated 21 Nov 2017

to declare constants for use in place of literal values.


[Public | Private] Const constname = expression[, constname = expression]…


PublicOptional keyword that cannot be used together with Private. Keyword used at script level to declare constants that are available to all procedures in all scripts. Not allowed in procedures.PrivateOptional keyword that cannot be used together with Public. Keyword used at script level to declare constants that are available only within the script where the declaration is made. Not allowed in procedures.ConstRequired keyword. To indicate the start of Const.constnameRequired. To specify the name of the constant following the standard variable naming conventions.expressionRequired. Literal or other constant, or any combination that includes all arithmetic or logical operators except Is.,Optional separator. to be used as delimiter when declaring multiple constants on same line.


  • Constants are public by default. Within procedures, constants are always private; their visibility can't be changed. Within a script, the default visibility of a script-level constant can be changed using the Private keyword.
  • To combine several constant declarations on the same line, separate each constant assignment with a comma. When constant declarations are combined in this way, the Public or Private keyword, if used, applies to all of them.
  • Variables, user-defined functions, or intrinsic VBScript functions (such as Chr) cannot be used in constant declarations. By definition, they can't be constants.
  • A constant also cannot be created from any expression that involves an operator, that is, only simple constants are allowed.
  • Constants declared in a Sub or Function procedure are local to that procedure.
  • A constant declared outside a procedure is defined throughout the script in which it is declared.
  • Constants can ye used in anywhere an expression is used.
  • Constants are used to make scripts self-documenting and easy to modify. However, unlike variables, constants cannot be inadvertently changed while the script is running.


5, 2


Examples of Const Statement

ASP VbScript Command:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Function printdata
cmda=array("a", "b","c"): ucnt = UBound(cmda) : Call heading
vars="Const aa=3:a = aa":dsp_x
vars="Public Const bb=4:b = bb":dsp_x
vars="Private Const cc=5:c = cc":dsp_x
vars="Const dd=6, ee = 7: b = dd : c = ee":dsp_x
End Function
Dim abb,cnt,cmda,cmp,dai,dlt,dte,dad,e,fnd,flg,fir,f_dw,gbd,hor,i,ild,k,mth,min,num,pnn,pi,sec,str1,str2,str,strs,tme,tmp,ucnt,var,vars,varx,wkd,x,z:varx=0
Function heading:If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard  x64, Microsoft-IIS/7.5, VB Version 14.0<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>":End Function
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0  Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&amp;"),"  "," &nbsp;"),"""","&quot;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0  Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function
        <title>Sample Page</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 
        <style type="text/css">
           i {display:table-row}
           u, b {display: table-cell}
<%call printdata %>
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Dim Statement

last updated 21 Nov 2017

to declare variables and allocates storage space for the specified variable name.


Dim varname[([subscripts])][,varname[([subscripts])]]…
subscripts:  upperbound [,upperbound]…


DimRequired keyword. to indicate the start of Dim.varnameRequired. to specify the name of the variable following the standard variable naming conventions.(…)Optional, required if an array variable is specified. A pair of parenthetic brackets is needed to enclose subscripts.subscriptsOptional. to specify the dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared.upperboundOptional, required if the declaration of the dimension of an array variable is needed . to specified the maximum index of a dimension of an array. While the lower bound of any dimension of an array is always zero.,Optional separator. to be used as delimiter when declaring multiple varname on same line or multiple dimensions of an array.


  • Variables declared with Dim at the script level are available to all procedures within the script. At the procedure level, variables are available only within the procedure.
  • The Dim statement can be used to declare a dynamic array with empty parentheses .
  • After declaring a dynamic array, use the ReDim statement within a procedure to define the number of dimensions and elements in the array.
  • An error occurs when trying to redeclare a dimension for an array variable whose size was explicitly specified in a Dim statement.



ReDim Statement

last updated 23 Nov 2017

to declares dynamic-array variables, and allocates or reallocates storage space at procedure level.


ReDim [Preserve] varname(subscripts) [, varname(subscripts)]…
subscripts:  upperbound [,upperbound]…


ReDimRequired keyword. to indicate the start of ReDim.PreserveOptional keyword. to preserves the data in an existing array when changing the size of the last dimension.varnameRequired. to specify the name of the variable following the standard variable naming conventions.(…)Required. A pair of parenthetic brackets is needed to enclose subscripts.subscriptsRequired. to specify the dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared.upperboundRequired. to specified the maximum index of a dimension of an array. While the lower bound of any dimension of an array is always zero.,Optional separator. to be used as delimiter when declaring multiple varname on same line or multiple dimensions of an array.


  • The ReDim statement is used to size or resize a dynamic array that has already been formally declared using a Private, Public, or Dim statement with empty parentheses (without dimension subscripts). The ReDim statement can be repeatedly used to change the number of elements and dimensions in an array.
  • If the Preserve keyword is used, only the last array dimension can be resized, the number of dimensions cannot be changed at all. For example, if your array has only one dimension, you can resize that dimension because it is the last and only dimension. However, if your array has two or more dimensions, you can change the size of only the last dimension and still preserve the contents of the array.
  • If making an array smaller than it was originally, data in the eliminated elements is lost.
  • A variable that refers to an object must be assigned an existing object using the Set statement before it can be used. Until it is assigned an object, the declared object variable has the special value Nothing.




Examples Of Dim Statement, ReDim Statement

ASP VbScript Command:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
 <script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Function printdata
cmda=array("abc", "IsArray(abd)","UBound(abd)","abd(0)","abc1","abd1(0)"): ucnt = UBound(cmda) : Call heading
vars="Dim abc : abc = 3 + 1":Execute vars: dsp_x
vars="Dim abd()":Execute vars: dsp_x
vars="ReDim abd(1):abd(0) = 5":Execute vars: dsp_x
vars="ReDim Preserve abd(9)":Execute vars: dsp_x
vars="ReDim abd(9)":Execute vars: dsp_x
vars="Dim abc1:Dim abd1(1) : abc1 = 9 :               Set abd1(0)=GetRef(""cmd_b"")":Execute vars: dsp_x
End Function
Dim abb,cnt,cmda,cmp,dai,dlt,dte,dad,e,fnd,flg,fir,f_dw,gbd,hor,i,ild,k,mth,min,num,pnn,pi,sec,str1,str2,str,strs,tme,tmp,ucnt,var,vars,varx,wkd,x,z:varx=0
Function heading:If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard  x64, Microsoft-IIS/7.5, VB Version 14.0<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>":End Function
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0  Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&amp;"),"  "," &nbsp;"),"""","&quot;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0  Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function
        <title>Sample Page</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 
        <style type="text/css">
           i {display: table-row}
           u, b {display: Table-cell}
<%call printdata %>
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Erase Statement

last updated 21 Nov 2017

to reinitializes the elements of fixed-size arrays and to deallocate dynamic-array storage space.


Erase array


EraseRequired keyword. To indicate the start of Erase.arrayRequired. To specify the name of the array variable to be erased.


  • An array can be classified as fixed-size (ordinary) or dynamic. For fixed-size arrays,
  • Erase only resets the elements of a fixed array and recovers no memory.
  • For a fixed numeric array, Erase sets each element to zero.
  • For a fixed string array, Erase sets each element to zero-lenth string ("").
  • For an array of objects, Erase sets each element to the Nothing literal.
  • But for dynamic arrays, Erase frees the memory used by dynamic arrays. Therefore, the erased dynamic array must be redeclared again using a ReDim statement before the erased dynamic array can be refered again.




Examples Of Erase Statement

ASP VbScript Command:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
 <script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Function printdata
cmda=array("IsArray(dymarry)","UBound(dymarry)","dymarry(0)","IsArray(fixarry)","UBound(fixarry)","fixarry(0)") : ucnt = UBound(cmda) : Call heading
vars="Dim dymarry()" : Execute vars : dsp_x
vars="ReDim dymarry(1) : dymarry(0) = 5" : Execute vars : dsp_x
vars="Dim fixarry(1) : fixarry(0) = 8" : Execute vars : dsp_x
vars="Erase dymarry" : Execute vars : dsp_x
vars="Dim ff(1):ff(1) = 7:Erase ff" : Execute vars : dsp_x
End Function
Dim abb,cnt,cmda,cmp,dai,dlt,dte,dad,e,fnd,flg,fir,f_dw,gbd,hor,i,ild,k,mth,min,num,pnn,pi,sec,str1,str2,str,strs,tme,tmp,ucnt,var,vars,varx,wkd,x,z:varx=0
Function heading:If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard  x64, Microsoft-IIS/7.5, VB Version 14.0<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>":End Function
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0  Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&amp;"),"  "," &nbsp;"),"""","&quot;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0  Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function
        <title>Sample Page</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 
        <style type="text/css">
           i {display: table-row}
           u, b {display: Table-cell}
<%call printdata %>
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Private Statement

last updated 23 Nov 2017

to declares private variables and allocates storage space. Declares, in a Class block, a private variable.


Private varname[([subscripts])][, varname[([subscripts])]]…
subscripts:  upper [, upper]…


PrivateRequired keyword. to indicate the start of Private statement.varnameRequired. to specify the name of the variable following standard variable naming conventions.subscriptsOptional. to specify the dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared.upperOptional. to specify the upper boundary of an array. The lower bound of an array is always zero.


  • Private statement variables are available only to the script in which they are declared.
  • A variable that refers to an object must be assigned an existing object using the Set statement before it can be used. Until it is assigned an object, the declared object variable is initialized as Empty.
  • The Private statement can also be used with empty parentheses to declare a dynamic array. After declaring a dynamic array, use the ReDim statement within a procedure to define the number of dimensions and elements in the array. If trying to redeclare a dimension for an array variable whose size was explicitly specified in a Private, Public, or Dim statement, an error occurs.
  • When using the Private statement in a procedure, the Private statement is generally put at the beginning of the procedure.



Public Statement

last updated 23 Nov 2017

to declares public variables and allocates storage space. Declares, in a Class block, a public variable.


Public varname[([subscripts])][, varname[([subscripts])]]…
subscripts:  upper [, upper]…


PublicRequired keyword. to indicate the start of Public statement.varnameRequired. to specify the name of the variable following standard variable naming conventions.subscriptsOptional. to specify the dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared.upperOptional. to specify the upper boundary of an array. The lower bound of an array is always zero.


  • Public statement variables are available to all procedures in all scripts.
  • A variable that refers to an object must be assigned an existing object using the Set statement before it can be used. Until it is assigned an object, the declared object variable is initialized as Empty.
  • The Public statement can be used with empty parentheses to declare a dynamic array. After declaring a dynamic array, use the ReDim statement within a procedure to define the number of dimensions and elements in the array. If trying to redeclare a dimension for an array variable whose size was explicitly specified in a Private, Public, or Dim statement, an error occurs.




Examples Of Private Statement, Public Statement

ASP VbScript Command:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
 <script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Function printdata
cmda=array("vg", "TypeName(vg)","Private(vg)","Public(vg)"): ucnt = UBound(cmda) : Call heading
vars="Private va:vg = va":dsp_x
vars="Private vb():vg = vb":dsp_x
vars="Private vc(9):vg = vc":dsp_x
vars="Private vd, ve": vg = vd : dsp_x
vars="Set vf=GetRef(""cmd_b""):Private vf :    Set vg=vf":dsp_x
vars="Private vg:Set vg=GetRef(""cmd_b"")":dsp_x
vars="Public va:vg = va":dsp_x
vars="Public vb():vg = vb":dsp_x
vars="Public vc(9):vg = vc":dsp_x
vars="Public vd, ve": vg = vd : dsp_x
vars="Set vf=GetRef(""cmd_b""):Public vf :    Set vg=vf":dsp_x
vars="Public vg:Set vg=GetRef(""cmd_b"")":dsp_x
vars="Dim va:vg = va":dsp_x
End Function
Dim abb,cnt,cmda,cmp,dai,dlt,dte,dad,e,fnd,flg,fir,f_dw,gbd,hor,i,ild,k,mth,min,num,pnn,pi,sec,str1,str2,str,strs,tme,tmp,ucnt,var,vars,varx,wkd,x,z:varx=0
Function heading:If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard  x64, Microsoft-IIS/7.5, VB Version 14.0<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>":End Function
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0  Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&amp;"),"  "," &nbsp;"),"""","&quot;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0  Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function
        <title>Sample Page</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 
        <style type="text/css">
           i {display: table-row}
           u, b {display: Table-cell}
<%call printdata %>
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:


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Hardware 249


Application 213

Digitization 32

Latex 52

Manim 205

KB 1

Numeric 19


Web 289

Unicode 504


CSS 65

SVG 46


OS 429

DeskTop 7

Python 72



Formulas 8

Algebra 84

Number Theory 206

Trigonometry 31

Geometry 34

Coordinate Geometry 2

Calculus 67

Complex Analysis 21


Tables 8


Mechanics 1

Rigid Bodies

Statics 92

Dynamics 37

Fluid 5

Fluid Kinematics 5


Process Control 1

Acoustics 19

FiniteElement 2

Natural Sciences

Matter 1

Electric 27

Biology 1

Geography 1

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