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TeX Character
  TeX Text Control
  TeX Control Sequence
  TeX Character Sequence

TeX Character

TeX Text Control

  1. Superscripts: add the carat ^ before each character or employ braces {} for characters.

  2. Subscripts: add the underscore _ before each character or employ brackets {} for characters.

  3. Greek letters and special characters: add the Latex escape character backslash \ immediately before the Latex character name.

  4. switch off TeX markup support: set the interpreter property to 'none'

Stream modifers remain in effect until the end of the string or all the context within braces {}.

TeX Control Sequence

  1. Display reserved words: add the Latex escape character backslash \ immediately before the reserved word.

  2. Specify the name of the font family: add the control sequence, \fontname{fontname}

  3. Specify the font size in FontUnits: add the control sequence, \fontsize{fontsize}

  4. Specify color for succeeding characters: add the control sequence, \color(colorSpec)

  5. Specify the font size in FontStyle: add the corresponding control sequence,

    1. Bold font: \ bf
    2. Ityalic font: \it
    3. Oblique font: \sl   (not all font family supported)
    4. Normal font: \rm

TeX Character Sequence

Tex Character Sequence HTML Reference
Decimal Char Arial Char Times Hex Remark
\alpha α α α α greek small letter alpha
\angle ∠ ∠ angle
\ast ∗ ∗ asterisk operator
\beta β β β β greek small letter beta
\gamma γ γ γ γ greek small letter gamma
\delta δ δ δ δ greek small letter delta
\epsilon ε ε ε ε greek small letter epsilon
\zeta ζ ζ ζ ζ greek small letter zeta
\eta η η η η greek small letter eta
\theta θ θ θ θ greek small letter theta
\vartheta ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ greek small letter theta symbol; (ϑ )
\iota ι ι ι ι greek small letter iota
\kappa κ κ κ κ greek small letter kappa
\lambda λ λ λ λ greek small letter lambda
\mu μ μ μ μ greek small letter mu
\nu ν ν ν ν greek small letter nu
\xi ξ ξ ξ ξ greek small letter xi
\pi π π π π greek small letter pi
\rho ρ ρ ρ ρ greek small letter rho
\sigma σ σ σ σ greek small letter sigma
\varsigma ς ς ς ς greek small letter final sigma;
\tau τ τ τ τ greek small letter tau
\upsilon υ υ υ υ greek small letter upsilon
\phi φ φ φ φ greek small letter phi
\chi χ χ χ χ greek small letter chi
\psi ψ ψ ψ ψ greek small letter psi
\omega ω ω ω ω greek small letter omega
\Gamma Γ Γ Γ Γ greek capital letter gamma
\Delta Δ Δ Δ Δ greek capital letter delta
\Theta Θ Θ Θ Θ greek capital letter theta
\Lambda Λ Λ Λ Λ greek capital letter lambda
\Xi Ξ Ξ Ξ Ξ greek capital letter xi
\Pi Π Π Π Π greek capital letter pi
\Sigma Σ Σ Σ Σ greek capital letter sigma
\Upsilon Υ Υ Υ Υ greek capital letter upsilon
\Phi Φ Φ Φ Φ greek capital letter phi
\Psi Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ greek capital letter psi
\Omega Ω Ω Ω Ω greek capital letter omega
\forall ∀ ∀ for all
\exists ∃ ∃ there exists (∃)
\ni ∋ ∋ contains as member
\cong ≅ ≅ approximately equal to
\approx ≈ ≈ almost equal to = asymptotic to (≈)
\Re ℜ ℜ blackletter capital R = real part symbol (ℜ)
\sim ∼ ∼ tilde operator = varies with = similar to
\leq ≤ ≤ less-than or equal to (≤)
\infty ∞ ∞ infinity (∞)
\clubsuit ♣ ♣ black club suit = shamrock (♣)
\diamondsuit ♦ ♦ black diamond suit (♦)
\heartsuit ♥ ♥ black heart suit = valentine (♥)
\spadesuit ♠ ♠ black spade suit (♠)
\leftrightarrow ↔ ↔ left right arrow (↔)
\leftarrow ← ← leftwards arrow (←)
\Leftarrow ⇐ ⇐ leftwards double arrow (⇐)
\uparrow ↑ ↑ upwards arrow (↑)
\rightarrow → → rightwards arrow (→)
\Rightarrow ⇒ ⇒ rightwards double arrow (⇒)
\downarrow ↓ ↓ downwards arrow (↓)
\circ ° ° ° ° degree sign (°)
\pm ± ± ± ± plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign (±)
\geq ≥ ≥ greater-than or equal to (≥)
\propto ∝ ∝ proportional to (∝)
\partial ∂ ∂ partial differential (∂)
\bullet • • bullet = black small circle (•)
\div ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ division sign (÷)
\neq ≠ ≠ not equal to (≠)
\equiv ≡ ≡ identical to
\Im ℑ ℑ blackletter capital I = imaginary part (ℑ)
\otimes ⊗ ⊗ circled times = vector product
\cap ∩ ∩ intersection = cap
\supset ⊃ ⊃ superset of (⊃)
\int ∫ ∫ integral
\rfloor ⌋ ⌋ right floor
\lfloor ⌊ ⌊ left floor = apl downstile
\perp ⊥ ⊥ up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
\wedge ∧ ∧ logical and = wedge (∧)
\rceil ⌉ ⌉ right ceiling
\vee ∨ ∨ logical or = vee (∨)
\langle 〈 〈 left-pointing angle bracket = bra (⟨)
\oplus ⊕ ⊕ circled plus = direct sum
\cup ∪ ∪ union = cup
\subseteq ⊆ ⊆ subset of or equal to (⊆)
\in ∈ ∈ element of (∈)
\lceil ⌈ ⌈ left ceiling = apl upstile
\cdot ⋅ ⋅ dot operator (⋅)
\neg ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ not sign (¬)
\times × × × × multiplication sign
\surd √ √ square root = radical sign (√)
\varpi ϖ ϖ ϖ ϖ greek pi symbol (ϖ)
\rangle 〉 〉 right-pointing angle bracket = ket (⟩)
\aleph ℵ ℵ alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal (ℵ)
\wp ℘ ℘ script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p (℘)
\oslash ø ø ø ø latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash
\supseteq ⊇ ⊇ superset of or equal to (⊇)
\subset ⊂ ⊂ subset of (⊂)
\o ο ο ο ο greek small letter omicron (ο)
\nabla ∇ ∇ nabla = backward difference
\ldots … … horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader (…)
\prime ′ ′ prime = minutes = feet
\0 ∅ ∅ empty set = null set = diameter (∅)
\mid   | |   no html code, a longer |
\copyright © © © © copyright sign (©)


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