Sideway from Sideway
Draft for Information Only

English Term: a

  1. a babble of barbers
  2. a babble of linguists
  3. a badelynge of ducks
  4. a balance of accountants
  5. a bale of turtles
  6. a ball of paper
  7. a band of coyotes
  8. a band of gorillas
  9. a band of jays
  10. a band of men
  11. a band of mongooses
  12. a band of plovers
  13. a band of robbers
  14. a bank of monitors
  15. a bank of swans
  16. a banner of knights
  17. a barren of mules
  18. a bask of crocodiles
  19. a basket of bread
  20. a basket of eggs
  21. a basket of flowers
  22. a basket of fruit
  23. a batch of bread
  24. a battery of barracudas
  25. a battery of guns
  26. a bavin of brushwood
  27. a bazaar of guillemots
  28. a bed of clams
  29. a bed of cockles
  30. a bed of flowers
  31. a bed of mussels
  32. a bed of oysters
  33. a bed of snakes
  34. a bellowing of bullfinches
  35. a belt of asteroids
  36. a bench of aldermen
  37. a bench of bishops
  38. a bench of judges
  39. a bench of magistrates
  40. a bevy of alcoholics
  41. a bevy of beauties
  42. a bevy of ladies
  43. a bevy of larks
  44. a bevy of otters
  45. a bevy of partridges
  46. a bevy of quails
  47. a bevy of roe deers
  48. a bevy of swans
  49. a bew of partridges
  50. a bike of ants
  51. a bike of bees
  52. a bike of hornets
  53. a bike of wasps
  54. a bike of wild bees
  55. a bind of salmons
  56. a bit of cake
  57. a bit of fun
  58. a bit of luck
  59. a bit of wood
  60. a blackening of shoemakers
  61. a blast of hunters
  62. a blessing of unicorns
  63. a bloat of hippopotami
  64. a blush of boys
  65. a board of directors
  66. a board of trustees
  67. a bodge of DIYers
  68. a body of pathologists
  69. a bouquet of flowers
  70. a bouquet of pheasants
  71. a box of books
  72. a box of candy
  73. a box of cricketers
  74. a box of matches
  75. a box of soap
  76. a brace of dentists
  77. a brace of ducks
  78. a brace of geldings
  79. a brace of grouse
  80. a break of winds
  81. a breakdown of plans
  82. a brigade of soldiers
  83. a brood of chickens
  84. a brood of grouse
  85. a brood of hens
  86. a budget of inventions
  87. a budget of papers
  88. a building of rooks
  89. a bunch of bananas
  90. a bunch of deers
  91. a bunch of ducks
  92. a bunch of flowers
  93. a bunch of grapes
  94. a bunch of teals
  95. a bunch of things
  96. a bunch of waterfowls
  97. a bunch of widgeons
  98. a bunch of wildfowls
  99. a bundle of asparagus
  100. a bundle of firewood
  101. a bury of conies
  102. a bury of rabbits
  103. a business of ferrets
  104. a business of flies
  105. a cache of jewels
  106. a cadge of peregrines
  107. a cancellation of trains
  108. a caravan of camels
  109. a caravan of desert travelers
  110. a carillon of bells
  111. a cartload of monkeys
  112. a cast of actors
  113. a cast of bees
  114. a cast of bread
  115. a cast of falcons
  116. a cast of ferrets
  117. a cast of hawks
  118. a cast of players
  119. a catch of fish
  120. a cavalcade of horsemen
  121. a cete of badgers
  122. a chain of bobolinks
  123. a chain of islands
  124. a change of bells
  125. a chapter of canons
  126. a charm of finches
  127. a charm of goldfinches
  128. a charm of hummingbirds
  129. a charm of magpies
  130. a chattering of choughs
  131. a chattering of goldfinches
  132. a chattering of hummingbirds
  133. a chattering of starlings
  134. a chine of polecats
  135. a chirm of finches
  136. a choir of singers
  137. a chorus of angels
  138. a chunk of cheese
  139. a chunk of chocolate
  140. a chunk of concrete
  141. a clamour of rooks
  142. a clan of hyenas
  143. a class of students
  144. a clattering of choughs
  145. a cletch of chickens
  146. a clew of worms
  147. a clique of photographers
  148. a cloud of bats
  149. a cloud of flies
  150. a cloud of gnats
  151. a cloud of grasshoppers
  152. a cloud of locusts
  153. a cloud of seafowls
  154. a cloud of starlings
  155. a clowder of cats
  156. a clump of reeds
  157. a clump of trees
  158. a cluster of antelopes
  159. a cluster of bees
  160. a cluster of cats
  161. a cluster of grapes
  162. a cluster of grasshoppers
  163. a cluster of porcupine fish
  164. a cluster of spiders
  165. a clutch of breasts
  166. a clutch of car mechanics
  167. a clutch of chickens
  168. a clutch of eggs
  169. a clutch of partridges
  170. a clutter of cats
  171. a clutter of spiders
  172. a clutter of starlings
  173. a coalition of cheetahs
  174. a coffle of asses
  175. a cohort of zebras
  176. a coil of teals
  177. a coil of widgeons
  178. a collective of nouns
  179. a colony of ants
  180. a colony of auks
  181. a colony of avocets
  182. a colony of badgers
  183. a colony of bats
  184. a colony of beavers
  185. a colony of chinchillas
  186. a colony of frogs
  187. a colony of fungi
  188. a colony of gulls
  189. a colony of ibises
  190. a colony of lepers
  191. a colony of lice
  192. a colony of penguins
  193. a colony of rabbits
  194. a colony of rats
  195. a colony of seals
  196. a colony of squirrels
  197. a colony of termites
  198. a colony of voles
  199. a colony of vultures
  200. a colony of wasps
  201. a committee of vultures
  202. a commotion of coots
  203. a company of actors
  204. a company of angelfish
  205. a company of archerfish
  206. a company of capitalists
  207. a company of girl guides
  208. a company of moles
  209. a company of parrots
  210. a company of players
  211. a company of soldiers
  212. a company of widgeons
  213. a complex of psychologists
  214. a compromise of mediators
  215. a conflagration of arsonists
  216. a congregation of churchgoers
  217. a congregation of crocodiles
  218. a congregation of magpies
  219. a congregation of people
  220. a congregation of plovers
  221. a congregation of rooks
  222. a congregation of starlings
  223. a congregation of worshippers
  224. a congress of baboons
  225. a conjunction of grammarians
  226. a conspiracy of ravens
  227. a constellation of stars
  228. a converting of preachers
  229. a convocation of eagles
  230. a convoy of lorries
  231. a corps of anatomists
  232. a corps of giraffes
  233. a cortege of mourners
  234. a coterie of orchids
  235. a coterie of prairie dogs
  236. a couple of
  237. a couple of babies
  238. a couple of ballons
  239. a couple of boys
  240. a couple of days
  241. a couple of examples
  242. a couple of hours
  243. a couple of impalas
  244. a couple of kids
  245. a coven of witches
  246. a cover of coots
  247. a covert of coots
  248. a covey of grouse
  249. a covey of partridges
  250. a covey of ptarmigans
  251. a covey of quails
  252. a covey of woodcocks
  253. a cowardice of curs
  254. a crash of hippopotami
  255. a crash of rhinoceroses
  256. a crew of sailors
  257. a crowd of onlookers
  258. a crowd of people
  259. a crowd of redwings
  260. a cry of actors
  261. a cry of hounds
  262. a cry of players
  263. a culture of bacteria
  264. a cup of coffee
  265. a cup of soup
  266. a cup of tea
  267. a curse of painters
  268. a cutting of cobblers
  269. a decanter of deans
  270. a deceit of lapwings
  271. a deck of cards
  272. a decorum of deans
  273. a den of snakes
  274. a den of thieves
  275. a descent of woodpeckers
  276. a desert of lapwings
  277. a destruction of cats
  278. a destruction of wildcats
  279. a diffidence of introverts
  280. a dignity of canons
  281. a diligence of messengers
  282. a disguising of tailors
  283. a dissimulation of birds
  284. a division of soldiers
  285. a doading of sheldrakes
  286. a dole of doves
  287. a dole of turkeys
  288. a dopping of ducks
  289. a dopping of goosanders
  290. a dopping of sheldrakes
  291. a dossier of documents
  292. a dout of cats
  293. a dout of wildcats
  294. a down of hares
  295. a down of sheep
  296. a dowt of cats
  297. a dowt of wildcats
  298. a doylt of pigs
  299. a doylt of swine
  300. a doylt of tame pigs
  301. a doylt of tame swine
  302. a draught of fish
  303. a draught of salmons
  304. a dray of squirrels
  305. a drift of bees
  306. a drift of cattle
  307. a drift of hogs
  308. a drift of pigs
  309. a drift of quails
  310. a drift of sheep
  311. a drift of swans
  312. a drift of swine
  313. a drift of tame swine
  314. a drove of asses
  315. a drove of bullocks
  316. a drove of cattle
  317. a drove of donkeys
  318. a drove of hares
  319. a drove of hogs
  320. a drove of horses
  321. a drove of oxen
  322. a drove of pigs
  323. a drove of rabbits
  324. a drove of sheep
  325. a drove of swine
  326. a drum of goldfinches
  327. a drum of hummingbirds
  328. a drunkship of cobblers
  329. a dule of doves
  330. a dule of turkeys
  331. a dule of turtles
  332. a faculty of academics
  333. a faith of merchants
  334. a fall of lambs
  335. a fall of woodcocks
  336. a family of beavers
  337. a family of otters
  338. a family of sardines
  339. a fanfare of strumpets
  340. a farrow of piglets
  341. a feast of brewers
  342. a fellowship of yeomen
  343. a fesnying of ferrets
  344. a field of racehorses
  345. a flange of baboons
  346. a fleet of bass
  347. a fleet of birds
  348. a fleet of cars
  349. a fleet of coots
  350. a fleet of lorries
  351. a fleet of mudhens
  352. a fleet of ships
  353. a flick of hares
  354. a flick of rabbits
  355. a flight of aircraft
  356. a flight of birds
  357. a flight of butterflies
  358. a flight of cormorants
  359. a flight of doves
  360. a flight of dragons
  361. a flight of dunbirds
  362. a flight of goshawks
  363. a flight of grouse
  364. a flight of herons
  365. a flight of insects
  366. a flight of larks
  367. a flight of pigeons
  368. a flight of plovers
  369. a flight of pochards
  370. a flight of stairs
  371. a flight of storks
  372. a flight of swallows
  373. a flight of widgeons
  374. a flight of woodcocks
  375. a flight of yesterdays
  376. a fling of dunlins
  377. a fling of oxbirds
  378. a fling of sandpipers
  379. a flink of cows
  380. a float of crocodiles
  381. a float of tunas
  382. a float of whales
  383. a flock of auks
  384. a flock of birds
  385. a flock of bustards
  386. a flock of camels
  387. a flock of coots
  388. a flock of dolphins
  389. a flock of ducks
  390. a flock of geese
  391. a flock of goats
  392. a flock of lice
  393. a flock of lions
  394. a flock of magpies
  395. a flock of ostriches
  396. a flock of parrots
  397. a flock of pigeons
  398. a flock of pigs
  399. a flock of sheep
  400. a flock of swifts
  401. a flock of tourists
  402. a flock of turkeys
  403. a flock of wrens
  404. a flotilla of ships
  405. a flotilla of swordfish
  406. a flush of ducks
  407. a flush of lavatories
  408. a flush of mallards
  409. a flush of plumbers
  410. a fluther of jellyfish
  411. a fold of sheep
  412. a following of stalkers
  413. a forest of trees
  414. a fragment of paper
  415. a fraid of ghosts
  416. a fray of fish
  417. a froggery of frogs
  418. a function of undertakers
  419. a gaggle of geese
  420. a gaggle of women
  421. a galaxy of beauties
  422. a galaxy of cosmologists
  423. a galaxy of governesses
  424. a galaxy of stars
  425. a gam of whales
  426. a game of bees
  427. a game of conies
  428. a game of swans
  429. a gang of bisons
  430. a gang of buffalos
  431. a gang of elks
  432. a gang of hoodlums
  433. a gang of labourers
  434. a gang of prisoners
  435. a gang of thieves
  436. a gang of weasels
  437. a gang of workmen
  438. a gaze of raccoons
  439. a generation of vipers
  440. a giggle of girls
  441. a glaring of cats
  442. a glean of herrings
  443. a glide of flying fish
  444. a glint of goldfish
  445. a glozing of taverners
  446. a goring of butchers
  447. a grain of corn
  448. a grain of dust
  449. a grain of salt
  450. a grain of sand
  451. a grid of electricians
  452. a grind of blackfish
  453. a grind of bottle-nosed whales
  454. a grist of bees
  455. a grist of flies
  456. a group of giraffes
  457. a group of guinea pigs
  458. a grove of bayonets
  459. a grove of trees
  460. a gulp of cormorants
  461. a gulp of magpies
  462. a gulp of swallows
  463. a hand of bananas
  464. a hand of cards
  465. a handful of people
  466. a harem of seals
  467. a harras of horses
  468. a hastiness of cooks
  469. a hatch of flies
  470. a haul of fish
  471. a head of curlews
  472. a head of pheasants
  473. a heap of ashes
  474. a heap of blankets
  475. a heap of bones
  476. a heap of clothes
  477. a heap of leaves
  478. a heap of rubbish
  479. a heap of rubble
  480. a heap of thing
  481. a hedge of herons
  482. a herd of antelopes
  483. a herd of asses
  484. a herd of bisons
  485. a herd of boars
  486. a herd of bucks
  487. a herd of buffalos
  488. a herd of camels
  489. a herd of caribous
  490. a herd of cattle
  491. a herd of chamois
  492. a herd of cranes
  493. a herd of curlews
  494. a herd of deers
  495. a herd of dinosaurs
  496. a herd of donkeys
  497. a herd of elands
  498. a herd of elephants
  499. a herd of elks
  500. a herd of giraffes
  501. a herd of gnus
  502. a herd of goats
  503. a herd of hares
  504. a herd of harlots
  505. a herd of hartebeests
  506. a herd of harts
  507. a herd of hippopotami
  508. a herd of horses
  509. a herd of ibexes
  510. a herd of llamas
  511. a herd of moose
  512. a herd of oxen
  513. a herd of pigs
  514. a herd of ponies
  515. a herd of porpoises
  516. a herd of rhinoceroses
  517. a herd of seahorses
  518. a herd of seals
  519. a herd of sheep
  520. a herd of swans
  521. a herd of swine
  522. a herd of walruses
  523. a herd of whales
  524. a herd of wildebeests
  525. a herd of wolves
  526. a herd of wrens
  527. a herd of yaks
  528. a herd of zebras
  529. a hill of ruffs
  530. a hive of bees
  531. a hive of oysters
  532. a horde of gerbils
  533. a horde of gnats
  534. a horde of hamsters
  535. a horde of insects
  536. a horde of mice
  537. a horde of misers
  538. a horde of rats
  539. a host of angels
  540. a host of sparrows
  541. a house of senators
  542. a hover of crows
  543. a hover of trouts
  544. a huddle of walruses
  545. a hug of teddy bears
  546. a hunt of hounds
  547. a husk of hares
  548. a husk of jackrabbits
  549. a jam of tarts
  550. a journey of giraffes
  551. a kaleidoscope of butterflies
  552. a kennel of dogs
  553. a kennel of hounds
  554. a kettle of hawks
  555. a kindle of hares
  556. a kindle of kittens
  557. a kindle of leverets
  558. a kindle of rabbits
  559. a kit of pigeons
  560. a knob of pintails
  561. a knob of pochards
  562. a knob of teals
  563. a knob of toads
  564. a knob of waterfowls
  565. a knob of widgeons
  566. a knob of wildfowls
  567. a knot of frogs
  568. a knot of snakes
  569. a knot of toads
  570. a labour of moles
  571. a lamentation of swans
  572. a lead of foxes
  573. a leap of leopards
  574. a leap of salmons
  575. a leash of bucks
  576. a leash of deers
  577. a leash of foxes
  578. a leash of greyhounds
  579. a leash of hares
  580. a leash of hounds
  581. a leash of plovers
  582. a leash of rabbits
  583. a length of paper
  584. a lepe of leopards
  585. a library of books
  586. a linkage of webmasters
  587. a litter of cubs
  588. a litter of kittens
  589. a litter of piglets
  590. a litter of pups
  591. a load of cobblers
  592. a loaf of bread
  593. a lodge of beavers
  594. a lump of butter
  595. a lump of clay
  596. a lump of coal
  597. a lump of fat
  598. a lump of soil
  599. a lute of wildfowls
  600. a malapertness of pedlars
  601. a match of nightingales
  602. a maul of bears
  603. a meet of hounds
  604. a meinie of oxen
  605. a meinie of sheep
  606. a meinie of sparrows
  607. a mellificium of quotations
  608. a melody of harpists
  609. a mess of iguanas
  610. a mew of hawks
  611. a mews of hawks
  612. a misbelieving of painters
  613. a mischief of mice
  614. a mischief of rats
  615. a mission of monkeys
  616. a mob of cattle
  617. a mob of deers
  618. a mob of kangaroos
  619. a mob of people
  620. a mob of sheep
  621. a mob of wallabies
  622. a mob of whales
  623. a mob of wombats
  624. a morbidity of majors
  625. a moulting of hawks
  626. a mound of paper
  627. a movement of moles
  628. a murder of crows
  629. a murder of magpies
  630. a murmuration of starlings
  631. a muse of capons
  632. a muster of crows
  633. a muster of peacocks
  634. a muster of soldiers
  635. a mustering of storks
  636. a mutation of thrushes
  637. a mute of hounds
  638. a nest of crocodiles
  639. a nest of hornets
  640. a nest of mice
  641. a nest of rabbits
  642. a nest of rumours
  643. a nest of snakes
  644. a nest of toads
  645. a nest of vipers
  646. a nest of wasps
  647. a network of computers
  648. a neverthriving of jugglers
  649. a nide of pheasants
  650. a nucleus of physicists
  651. a number of mathematicians
  652. a nursery of raccoons
  653. a nye of pheasants
  654. a pace of asses
  655. a pack of Brownies
  656. a pack of cards
  657. a pack of coyotes
  658. a pack of dinosaurs
  659. a pack of dogs
  660. a pack of grouse
  661. a pack of hounds
  662. a pack of mongooses
  663. a pack of mules
  664. a pack of perch
  665. a pack of polar bears
  666. a pack of stoats
  667. a pack of suitcases
  668. a pack of weasels
  669. a pack of wolves
  670. a paddling of ducks
  671. a pair of arms
  672. a pair of eyes
  673. a pair of glasses
  674. a pair of groves
  675. a pair of hands
  676. a pair of pants
  677. a pair of pilers
  678. a pair of scissors
  679. a pair of shoes
  680. a pair of socks
  681. a pandemonium of parrots
  682. a panel of experts
  683. a pantheon of gods
  684. a parade of elephants
  685. a parcel of birds
  686. a parcel of crows
  687. a parcel of deers
  688. a parcel of hinds
  689. a parcel of hogs
  690. a parcel of linnets
  691. a parcel of penguins
  692. a parcel of sheep
  693. a parliament of owls
  694. a parliament of rooks
  695. a party of jays
  696. a party of rainbow fish
  697. a passel of pigeons
  698. a patch of flowers
  699. a peal of bells
  700. a peep of chickens
  701. a phalanx of storks
  702. a phantasmagoria of phantoms
  703. a picket of strikers
  704. a piece of advice
  705. a piece of cake
  706. a piece of chalk
  707. a piece of evidence
  708. a piece of land
  709. a piece of toast
  710. a piece of wood
  711. a pile of bills
  712. a pile of bodies
  713. a pile of bricks
  714. a pile of money
  715. a pile of paper
  716. a pile of rocks
  717. a pile of rubbish
  718. a pile of wood
  719. a pit of snakes
  720. a piteousness of doves
  721. a pity of prisoners
  722. a pitying of doves
  723. a pitying of turtledoves
  724. a plague of insects
  725. a plague of locusts
  726. a platoon of soldiers
  727. a plump of ducks
  728. a plump of geese
  729. a plump of moorhens
  730. a plump of waterfowls
  731. a plump of wildfowls
  732. a plump of woodcocks
  733. a pod of birds
  734. a pod of coots
  735. a pod of dolphins
  736. a pod of hippopotami
  737. a pod of peas
  738. a pod of pelicans
  739. a pod of porpoises
  740. a pod of seals
  741. a pod of whales
  742. a pod of whitings
  743. a pomp of pekingese
  744. a ponder of philosophers
  745. a portfolio of stockbrokers
  746. a posse of police
  747. a posse of sheriffs
  748. a posse of turkeys
  749. a poverty of pipers
  750. a pray of nightingales
  751. a prettying of doves
  752. a prickle of hedgehogs
  753. a prickle of porcupines
  754. a pride of lions
  755. a pride of ostriches
  756. a pride of peacocks
  757. a promise of barmen
  758. a promise of tomorrows
  759. a prudence of vicars
  760. a psalter of bishops
  761. a psittacosis of parrots
  762. a puddling of mallards
  763. a quantity of smelts
  764. a quarrel of sparrows
  765. a quiver of arrows
  766. a quiver of cobras
  767. a rabble of bees
  768. a rabble of butterflies
  769. a rabble of gnats
  770. a rabble of insects
  771. a rabble of remedies
  772. a rack of colts
  773. a raffle of turkeys
  774. a raft of auks
  775. a raft of ducks
  776. a raft of otters
  777. a raft of teals
  778. a raft of turkeys
  779. a raft of waterfowls
  780. a rafter of turkeys
  781. a rag of colts
  782. a rake of colts
  783. a rake of mules
  784. a rangale of deers
  785. a range of mountains
  786. a rascal of boys
  787. a rasher of bacon
  788. a rasp of coots
  789. a ream of paper
  790. a remuda of horses
  791. a revelation of flashers
  792. a rhumba of rattlesnakes
  793. a riches of matrons
  794. a richesse of martens
  795. a richness of martens
  796. a ring of keys
  797. a ring of telephones
  798. a roll of paper
  799. a romp of otters
  800. a rookery of herons
  801. a rookery of penguins
  802. a rookery of seals
  803. a rope of onions
  804. a rope of pearls
  805. a rosary of quotations
  806. a rouleau of coins
  807. a rout of coyotes
  808. a rout of knights
  809. a rout of snails
  810. a rout of wolves
  811. a row of oarsmen
  812. a run of fish
  813. a run of poultry
  814. a run of salmons
  815. a run of whales
  816. a rush of dunbirds
  817. a rush of pochards
  818. a safe of ducks
  819. a sault of lions
  820. a sawt of lions
  821. a school of butterfly fish
  822. a school of clerks
  823. a school of cod
  824. a school of dolphins
  825. a school of fish
  826. a school of hippopotami
  827. a school of pilchards
  828. a school of porpoises
  829. a school of salmons
  830. a school of sharks
  831. a school of whales
  832. a scold of jays
  833. a scolding of seamstresses
  834. a scoop of journalists
  835. a scoop of pelicans
  836. a scourge of mosquitoes
  837. a scrap of paper
  838. a screw of hawks
  839. a scry of wildfowls
  840. a sedge of bitterns
  841. a sedge of cranes
  842. a sedge of herons
  843. a sentence of judges
  844. a sheet of cardboard
  845. a sheet of iron
  846. a sheet of paper
  847. a shiver of sharks
  848. a shoal of barbels
  849. a shoal of bass
  850. a shoal of fish
  851. a shoal of herrings
  852. a shoal of mackerels
  853. a shoal of minnows
  854. a shoal of pilchards
  855. a shoal of roach
  856. a shoal of rooks
  857. a shoal of salmons
  858. a shoal of shads
  859. a shoal of sharks
  860. a shoal of sticklebacks
  861. a shoal of trouts
  862. a shoal of whales
  863. a shower of meteorologists
  864. a shrewdness of apes
  865. a shrivel of critics
  866. a shrubbery of shrubs
  867. a shuffle of bureaucrats
  868. a side of morris dancers
  869. a siege of bitterns
  870. a siege of cranes
  871. a siege of herons
  872. a simplicity of subalterns
  873. a singular of boars
  874. a skein of ducks
  875. a skein of geese
  876. a skein of wildfowls
  877. a skirl of pipers
  878. a skulk of foxes
  879. a slate of candidates
  880. a sleuth of bears
  881. a slice of bread
  882. a sloth of bears
  883. a smack of jellyfish
  884. a smuth of jellyfish
  885. a sneak of weasels
  886. a sneer of butlers
  887. a sord of ducks
  888. a sord of mallards
  889. a sord of wildfowls
  890. a sounder of boars
  891. a sounder of pigs
  892. a sounder of swine
  893. a sounder of wild boars
  894. a sounder of wild pigs
  895. a sounder of wild swine
  896. a sownder of swans
  897. a sowse of lions
  898. a span of mules
  899. a span of oxen
  900. a speck of dirt
  901. a spread of sticklebacks
  902. a spring of seals
  903. a spring of teals
  904. a squabble of seagulls
  905. a squad of beaters
  906. a squad of soldiers
  907. a squadron of swans
  908. a stable of horses
  909. a stable of hounds
  910. a stack of librarians
  911. a staff of employees
  912. a stalk of foresters
  913. a stand of bees
  914. a stand of flamingos
  915. a stand of plovers
  916. a stand of trees
  917. a stare of owls
  918. a steam of minnows
  919. a streak of tigers
  920. a stream of hawks
  921. a stream of minnows
  922. a string of ducks
  923. a string of horses
  924. a string of pearls
  925. a string of ponies
  926. a string of racehorses
  927. a strip of cloth
  928. a stubbornness of rhinoceroses
  929. a stuck of jellyfish
  930. a stud of horses
  931. a stud of mares
  932. a subtlety of sergeants at law
  933. a superfluity of nuns
  934. a surfeit of skunks
  935. a sute of bloodhounds
  936. a sute of hounds
  937. a sute of mallards
  938. a sute of wildfowls
  939. a swarm of ants
  940. a swarm of bees
  941. a swarm of butterflies
  942. a swarm of coots
  943. a swarm of dragonet fish
  944. a swarm of eels
  945. a swarm of flies
  946. a swarm of gnats
  947. a swarm of grasshoppers
  948. a swarm of hornets
  949. a swarm of insects
  950. a swarm of locusts
  951. a swarm of minnows
  952. a swarm of mosquitoes
  953. a swarm of rats
  954. a swarm of termites
  955. a syndicate of capitalists
  956. a tabernacle of bakers
  957. a talent of gamblers
  958. a team of athletes
  959. a team of dolphins
  960. a team of ducks
  961. a team of geese
  962. a team of horses
  963. a team of oxen
  964. a team of swans
  965. a thought of barons
  966. a thunder of hippopotami
  967. a tiding of magpies
  968. a tittering of magpies
  969. a tok of capercaillies
  970. a tower of giraffes
  971. a town of prairie dogs
  972. a trace of hares
  973. a trace of rabbits
  974. a train of camels
  975. a trembling of finches
  976. a tribe of antelopes
  977. a tribe of goats
  978. a tribe of magpies
  979. a tribe of monkeys
  980. a tribe of natives
  981. a tribe of sparrows
  982. a trimming of finches
  983. a trip of dotterels
  984. a trip of goats
  985. a trip of hares
  986. a trip of mice
  987. a trip of sheep
  988. a trip of stoats
  989. a trip of swine
  990. a trip of tame swine
  991. a trip of widgeons
  992. a trip of wildfowls
  993. a trogle of snakes
  994. a troop of apes
  995. a troop of baboons
  996. a troop of boy scouts
  997. a troop of dogfish
  998. a troop of foxes
  999. a troop of kangaroos
  1000. a troop of lions
  1001. a troop of monkeys
  1002. a troop of mushrooms
  1003. a troop of soldiers
  1004. a troubling of goldfinches
  1005. a troubling of goldfish
  1006. a troubling of hummingbirds
  1007. a troup of performers
  1008. a troup of tunas
  1009. a troup of whales
  1010. a troupe of acrobats
  1011. a troupe of artistes
  1012. a troupe of dancers
  1013. a troupe of minstrels
  1014. a troupe of performers
  1015. a troupe of shrimps
  1016. a turn of turtles
  1017. a twinkling of todays
  1018. a type of energy
  1019. a ubiquity of sparrows
  1020. a vagary of impediments
  1021. a virtue of patients
  1022. a volary of birds
  1023. a wad of paper
  1024. a wake of buzzards
  1025. a wake of vultures
  1026. a walk of snails
  1027. a walk of snipes
  1028. a warren of partridges
  1029. a warren of pheasants
  1030. a warren of rabbits
  1031. a watch of nightingales
  1032. a wealth of information
  1033. a wedge of geese
  1034. a wedge of swans
  1035. a weyr of dragons
  1036. a whiteness of swans
  1037. a whiting of swans
  1038. a whoop of gorillas
  1039. a wilderness of monkeys
  1040. a wing of aircraft
  1041. a wing of dragons
  1042. a wing of plovers
  1043. a wing of rooks
  1044. a wisp of snipes
  1045. a worship of writers
  1046. a wrack of rabbits
  1047. a yearning of yesterdaysopen closeA period in someone's history or past time that has a strong feeling of longing for.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1048. a yoke of oxenopen closeA pair of oxen that is fastened together for pulling something.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1049. a zeal of zebrasopen closeA collection of zebras that gathers together so the predator can only see a maze of stripes when approaching.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1050. according to
  1051. acorn squash
  1052. acute angleopen closeAn abstract concept of a geometric feature that is the angle formed by two lines is smaller than a right angle and is less than 90 degree.last updated 16 Apr 2015 updated 16 Apr 2015
  1053. ad hoc
  1054. air force
  1055. all kinds of things
  1056. along with
  1057. an aerie of eaglesopen closean aerie of eagles" is something which is a family of eagles that lives together in a nest.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1058. an aerie of hawksopen closean aerie of hawks" is something which is a family of hawks that lives together in a nest.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1059. an aerie of ravensopen closean aerie of ravens" is something which is a family of ravens that lives together in a nest.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1060. an agenda of tasksopen closean agenda of tasks" is something which is a list of aims, goals or matters that is to be considered, achieved, addressed or attended to.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1061. an amalgamation of metallurgistsopen closean amalgamation of metallurgists" is something which is a group of metallurgists that have a strong energy or enthusiasm of interest in the amalgamation of two or more metal together to form a new alloy.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1062. an ambush of tigers
  1063. an ambush of widows
  1064. an annoyance of neighboursopen closean annoyance of neighbours" is something which is a group of neighbours that are of being annoyed.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  1065. an anorak of trainspotters
  1066. an anthology of poems
  1067. an anthology of stories
  1068. an arcana of tarot cards
  1069. an archipelago of islands
  1070. an armada of ships
  1071. an army of ants
  1072. an army of caterpillars
  1073. an army of frogs
  1074. an army of herrings
  1075. an army of soldiers
  1076. an array of hedgehogs
  1077. an ascension of larks
  1078. an audience of listeners
  1079. an audience of people
  1080. an audit of bookkeepers
  1081. an aurora of polar bears
  1082. an earth of foxes
  1083. an eloquence of lawyers
  1084. an erst of bees
  1085. an escargatoire of snails
  1086. an exaggeration of fishermen
  1087. an exaltation of larks
  1088. an expectation of heirs
  1089. an expectation of midwives
  1090. an eyrar of swans
  1091. an eyrie of eagles
  1092. an eyrie of hawks
  1093. an eyrie of ravens
  1094. an illusion of magicians
  1095. an illusion of painters
  1096. an impatience of wives
  1097. an implausibility of gnus
  1098. an incredulity of cuckolds
  1099. an infestation of lice
  1100. an intrigue of council members
  1101. an intrusion of cockroaches
  1102. an item of clothing
  1103. an item of equpment
  1104. an item of news
  1105. an obeisance of servants
  1106. an observance of hermits
  1107. an obstinacy of buffalos
  1108. an obstruction of dons
  1109. an optimism of youths
  1110. an orchestra of musicians
  1111. an ostentation of peacocks
  1112. an ugly of walruses
  1113. an unease of compromises
  1114. an unkindness of ravens
  1115. answer the questions
  1116. any make of machines
  1117. apart from
  1118. apartment blockopen closeA physical structural object that is a large building block which is divided into several or many apartments.last updated 01 Apr 2015 updated 01 Apr 2015
  1119. apartment buildingopen closeA physical structural object that is a large building block which is divided into several or many apartments.last updated 01 Apr 2015 updated 01 Apr 2015
  1120. apartment complexopen closeA physical structural object that is a large building block which is divided into several or many apartments.last updated 01 Apr 2015 updated 01 Apr 2015
  1121. apartment houseopen closeA physical structural object that is a large building block which is divided into several or many apartments.last updated 01 Apr 2015 updated 01 Apr 2015
  1122. apartment numberopen closeapartment number" is something which is a letter or digit, or a combination of letters and, or digits that is used to name each particular set of rooms in a building as a unique name part in addition to address name.last updated 24 Feb 2015 updated 24 Feb 2015
  1123. area codeopen closearea code" is something which is a sequence of digits that is an international dialing prefix used to specify the geogrphical' isa by prefixing to one's individual telephone number to form the long-distance calling number for someone to call outside one's' isa.last updated 25 Feb 2015 updated 25 Feb 2015
  1124. as for
  1125. as if
  1126. as long as
  1127. as much as
  1128. as soon as
  1129. as though
  1130. as well as
  1131. athletic supporter
  1132. automotive mechanicopen closeA person who repairs cars and road vehicles.last updated 22 Feb 2015 updated 22 Feb 2015


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