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HTML 4.01 Element Tags

Tag NameDescriptionOpen TagClose TagEmpty TagDeprecatedDTDVersionLast UpdateA anchor4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017ABBR abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.)4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017ACRONYM acronym4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017ADDRESS information on author4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017APPLET Java appletDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017AREA client-side image map areaForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017B bold text style4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BASE document base URIForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BASEFONT base font sizeForbiddenEmptyDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BDO I18N BiDi over-ride4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BIG large text style4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BLOCKQUOTE long quotation4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BODY document bodyOptionalOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BR forced line breakForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017BUTTON push button4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017CAPTION table caption4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017CENTER shorthand for DIV align=centerDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017CITE citation4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017CODE computer code fragment4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017COL table columnForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017COLGROUP table column groupOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DD definition descriptionOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DEL deleted text4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DFN instance definition4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DIR directory listDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DIV generic language/style container4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DL definition list4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017DT definition termOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017EM emphasis4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017FIELDSET form control group4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017FONT local change to fontDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017FORM interactive form4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017FRAME subwindowForbiddenEmptyFrameset4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017FRAMESET window subdivisionFrameset4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H1 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H2 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H3 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H4 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H5 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017H6 heading4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017HEAD document headOptionalOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017HR horizontal ruleForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017HTML document root elementOptionalOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017I italic text style4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017IFRAME inline subwindowLoose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017IMG Embedded imageForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017INPUT form controlForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017INS inserted text4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017ISINDEX single line promptForbiddenEmptyDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017KBD text to be entered by the user4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017LABEL form field label text4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017LEGEND fieldset legend4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017LI list itemOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017LINK a media-independent linkForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017MAP client-side image map4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017MENU menu listDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017META generic metainformationForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017NOFRAMES alternate content container for non frame-based renderingFrameset4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017NOSCRIPT alternate content container for non script-based rendering4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017OBJECT generic embedded object4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017OL ordered list4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017OPTGROUP option group4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017OPTION selectable choiceOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017P paragraphOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017PARAM named property valueForbiddenEmpty4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017PRE preformatted text4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017Q short inline quotation4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017S strike-through text styleDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SAMP sample program output, scripts, etc.4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SCRIPT script statements4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SELECT option selector4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SMALL small text style4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SPAN generic language/style container4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017STRIKE strike-through textDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017STRONG strong emphasis4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017STYLE style info4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SUB subscript4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017SUP superscript4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TABLE table4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TBODY table bodyOptionalOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TD table data cellOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TEXTAREA multi-line text field4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TFOOT table footerOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TH table header cellOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017THEAD table headerOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TITLE document title4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TR table rowOptional4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017TT teletype or monospaced text style4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017U underlined text styleDepr. by 4.01Loose4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017UL unordered list4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017VAR instance of a variable or program argument4.01last updated 02 Sep 2017


ID: 160700032 Last Updated: 7/26/2016 Revision: 0 Ref:



  1., 1999, HTML 4.01 Specification: W3C Recommendation, updated 24 December 1999

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Number Theory 206

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