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Visiting Japan
  Short-Term Stay
   Electronic Visa
  Work or Long-Term Stay
  Visa for Medical Stay
  Visa Exemptions for Diplomatic and Official Passport Holders
 Entering Japan
  Immigration Procedures
  Disembarkation Card
  Customs Procedures
 Leaving Japan
  Tax-Free Goods
 Useful Links

Visiting Japan


Short-Term Stay

A stay of up to 90 days for tourism, business, visiting friends or relatives, etc. that does not include remunerative activities. Some Countries or Regions that require a visa to enter Japan, while Countries or Regions that do not require a visa to enter Japan It is highly recommended to purchase international travel medical insurance for your trip to Japan. Overseas travel medical insurance helps you in case of emergency.

Electronic Visa

The JAPAN eVISA is a system that enables applicants to apply for a visa online and issues an electronic visa to applicants for a short-term stay for the purpose of tourism.

Work or Long-Term Stay

A stay during which the applicant performs remunerative work in Japan or a stay of over 90 days in Japan, etc.

Visa for Medical Stay

Visa for Medical Check-up, Treatment, and Sightseeing All in One Visit to Japan. The visa is issued not only to patients but also their accompanying person(s) if necessary and as needed (multiple visas may be issued), and the system as a whole is designed to be more convenient, in consideration of humanitarian aspects, for foreign nationals wishing to visit Japan for medical purposes.

Visa Exemptions for Diplomatic and Official Passport Holders

Visa Exemption Arrangements for Diplomatic and Official passport holders

Entering Japan

  • Arrival
  • Quarantine
  • Immigration Control
  • Baggage Claim
  • Animal/plant product quarantine
  • Customs
  • Arrival Lobby

Immigration Procedures

The Immigration Bureau introduced new immigration procedures on November 20th, 2007.
  • submitting passport and required documents
  • placeing the index fingers of both hands on a digital fingerprint reader.
  • taking a facial photograph by the camera located at the top of the digital fingerprint reader.
  • conducting a short interview
  • receiveing passport with entry stamp from the immigration control officer.

Disembarkation Card

Starting April 1, 2016, all foreign nationals visiting Japan should fill the Disembarkation Card with new format, and the Embarkation Card for Foreign Nationals will no longer be used.
img(Source: )

Customs Procedures

A visitor to Japan are required to perform certain Customs procedures which are an important part of entry into and departure from the country. (Source:
  • Declaration
    • All passengers entering Japan are required to declare about the belongings.
    • The green and red channel system
      • The green channel is for passengers who have no goods subject to duty and/or tax and goods not prohibited or restricted for import.
      • The red channel is for all other passengers.
  • Exemption
    Personal effects and unaccompanied baggage for personal use are free of duty and/or tax within the allowance.
    • Personal Effects and Professional Equipment
    • Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, Perfume, etc
    • Household Effects (including Automobiles)
  • Simplified Customs Duty and Tax Rates
    • When belongings exceed the limit of the allowances, the simplified Customs duty and tax rates will be applied, in most cases, to that amount which is in excess.
  • Unaccompanied Baggage
    • When having unaccompanied baggage, two copies of written declaration forms are required to submit at the time of entry, one of which will be returned with the seal of certification by a Customs officer. Such declaration is necessary to obtain duty and/or tax exemption status.
  • Currency
    • If carrying cash or other means of payment exceeding 1 million yen, declaration to Customs is required.
  • Prohibited Articles
    • Some articles are prohibited from entry by law:
  • Restricted Articles
    • Some other goods are restricted by other laws and regulations.

Leaving Japan

  • Check-in
  • Security Checking
  • Customs Inspection
  • Immigration Control
  • Boarding Lobby

Tax-Free Goods

Currently (Nov 2023), tourists in Japan have the consumption tax deducted when purchasing items at special duty-free stores and sales counters. The tax-free goods cannot be transferred or consumed in Japan, and are required to export when leaving Japan. Otherwise, the consumption tax of NOT EXPORT the tax-free goods will be taxed at customs.
When leaving Japan, at the airport or seaport of departure, present the passport at customs if no “Record of purchase slip”, or submit the "record of purchase slip(s)" at customs”. Customs inspect the possession of the tax-free goods as necessary, the consumption tax of NOT EXPORT the tax-free goods will be taxed at customs.
However, the Commission and Cabinet officials will go over the latest proposal to charge foreign tourists consumption tax at the time of purchase and later refund them the equivalent tax amount upon confirming the goods’ departure at airport customs. Under the new rules, tourists would pay the consumption tax for products upon purchase, then receive a tax refund when they depart the country and the purchases are confirmed. This is the typical practice in other countries. The new approach will likely go into effect in fiscal 2025 or later, because department stores and other retailers would need time to prepare to comply with the changes.

Useful Links


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