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  Common Nouns
   Types of Common Nouns
   Examples of Common Nouns

Common Nouns

In general, a common noun is usually a word given in common to something physical in a general sense. Physical things can be every person, place, or thing of the same class of kind. Common noun is therefore a common word shared by all things with same characteristics. As by previous definition, things that can be classified as abstract nouns or collective nouns, are excluded from the list of common nouns.

A common noun is used to name tangible things while an abstract noun is used to name intangible things. A common noun is used to name things in singular while a collective noun is used to name things in plural sense. The difference in the definitions between a common noun and a collective are very clear. However, the difference in the definitions between a common noun and a collective noun can be sometimes very confusing because the definition of a word is usually comes from an abstract idea or concept.

Things named by words of common nouns are in physical existence which can usually be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched. These five senses are therefore the attributes or qualities of a physical thing. In other words visible light, sound, taste, smell, material property related to these five senses are usually abstract things used to describe a physical thing. Things of these kinds are not usually physical existence by itself. But thing of an abstract idea or concept, e.g. dew, air, land, mountain, island, beach, or desert, etc.,  is sometimes considered as physical existence by itself. Besides thing of an abstract idea or concept, e.g. edge, center, etc., is also highly depending on the function of the thing in a sentence.

Common nouns and abstract nouns are closely related because a common noun is usually derived from an abstract idea. An abstract noun becomes a common noun once the named thing is in physical existence that can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched.

Types of Common Nouns

Types of common nouns can be grouped according to the nature of the things.

  1. animals: Animals are living things which usually get energy from other living things. Animals can be divided into various groups, including birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, etc.  The word used to name an animal of any kind is also a common noun. For examples:

    1. The word animal is used to name an individual living thing which usually get energy from other living things.
    2. The word bird is used to name an animal with feathers and wings.
    3. The word lion is used to name a large wild mammal of the cat family with yellowish-brown fur.
  2. plants: Plants are living things which usually get energy from light. Plants can be divided into various types, including trees, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, green algae, etc.  The word used to name a plant of any kind is also a common noun. For examples:

    1. The word plant is used to name an individual living thing which usually get energy from light.
    2. The word tree is used to name a plant with an elongated trunk.
    3. The word pine is used to name a tree with evergreen needles.
  3. people: People are human beings which is a collection of men, women and children. Person is an individual human being, e.g. a man, a woman, or a child. Unlike animals and plants, people can be classified in different way. For examples:

    1. The word person is used to name an individual human being which can be a man , a woman or a child.
    2. The word man is used to name an individual human being which is an adult male human being.
    3. The word teacher is used to name a person whose job is to teach something.
  4. organs: An organ is a part of the body of an animal or a plant that serves a particular function. For examples:

    1. animal
      1. The word wing is used to describe the flat part of a body which is used for flying.

Examples of Common Nouns

Examples of Common Nouns

He is a boy.

John is a boy.

She is a girl.

Mary is a girl.

Tom is a doctor.






ID: 130900008 Last Updated: 2/2/2015 Revision: 1 Ref:



  1. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1961, A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students
  2. Nesfield, J.C., 1898, Manual of English Grammar and Composition

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