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Regular Expression Examples
 Scanning For HREFs
 Scanning For Date Format
 Scanning For Protocol And Port Number
 Scanning Of Invalid Characters
 Scanning of Valid Email Format
 See also

Regular Expression Examples

Scanning For HREFs

Examples Of Scanning For HREFs
ASP.NET Code Input:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
       <title>Sample Page</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
       <script runat="server">
           Sub Page_Load()
               Dim xstring As String = "<A HREF="""">"
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "Given string: """ & Replace(xstring,"<","&lt;") & """<br />"
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & showresult(xstring,"(?i)href\s*=\s*(?:[""'](?<1>[^""']*)[""']|(?<1>\S+))")
               lbl01.Text = xmatchstr
           End Sub
           Function showresult(xstring,xpattern)
               Dim xmatch As Match
               Dim xcaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim ycaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim xgroups As GroupCollection
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               Dim xint As Integer
               Dim yint As Integer
               Dim zint As Integer
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "<br />Result of Regex.Match(string,""" & Replace(xpattern,"<","&lt;") & """): """
               xmatch = Regex.Match(xstring,xpattern)
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xmatch.value & """<br />"
               xcaptures = xmatch.Captures
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures.Count & """<br />"
               For xint = 0 to xcaptures.Count - 1
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of CaptureCollection("& xint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures(xint).Value & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Index & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Length & """<br />"
                   xgroups = xmatch.Groups
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of GroupCollection.Count: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups.Count & """<br />"
                   For yint = 0 to xgroups.Count - 1
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of GroupCollection("& yint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups(yint).Value & ", " & xgroups(yint).Index & ", " & xgroups(yint).Length & """<br />"
                       ycaptures = xgroups(yint).Captures
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures.Count & """<br />"
                       For zint = 0 to ycaptures.Count - 1
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->->Result of CaptureCollection("& zint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures(zint).Value & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Index & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Length & """<br />"
               Return xmatchstr
           End Function
       <% Response.Write ("<h1>This is a Sample Page of Scanning for HREFs</h1>") %>
           <%-- Set on Page_Load --%>
           <asp:Label id="lbl01" runat="server" />
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Scanning For Date Format

Examples Of Scanning For Date Format
ASP.NET Code Input:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
       <title>Sample Page</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
       <script runat="server">
           Sub Page_Load()
               Dim xstring As String = "12/12/26"
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "Given string: """ & Replace(xstring,"<","&lt;") & """<br />"
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & showresult(xstring,"\b(?<month>\d{1,2})/(?<day>\d{1,2})/(?<year>\d{2,4})\b")
               lbl01.Text = xmatchstr
           End Sub
           Function showresult(xstring,xpattern)
               Dim xmatch As Match
               Dim xcaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim ycaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim xgroups As GroupCollection
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               Dim xint As Integer
               Dim yint As Integer
               Dim zint As Integer
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "<br />Result of Regex.Match(string,""" & Replace(xpattern,"<","&lt;") & """): """
               xmatch = Regex.Match(xstring,xpattern)
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xmatch.value & """<br />"
               xcaptures = xmatch.Captures
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures.Count & """<br />"
               For xint = 0 to xcaptures.Count - 1
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of CaptureCollection("& xint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures(xint).Value & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Index & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Length & """<br />"
                   xgroups = xmatch.Groups
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of GroupCollection.Count: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups.Count & """<br />"
                   For yint = 0 to xgroups.Count - 1
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of GroupCollection("& yint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups(yint).Value & ", " & xgroups(yint).Index & ", " & xgroups(yint).Length & """<br />"
                       ycaptures = xgroups(yint).Captures
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures.Count & """<br />"
                       For zint = 0 to ycaptures.Count - 1
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->->Result of CaptureCollection("& zint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures(zint).Value & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Index & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Length & """<br />"
               Return xmatchstr
           End Function
       <% Response.Write ("<h1>This is a Sample Page of Scanning for Date Format</h1>") %>
           <%-- Set on Page_Load --%>
           <asp:Label id="lbl01" runat="server" />
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Scanning For Protocol And Port Number

Examples Of Scanning For Protocol And Port Number
ASP.NET Code Input:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
       <title>Sample Page</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
       <script runat="server">
           Sub Page_Load()
               Dim xstring As String = ""
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "Given string: """ & Replace(xstring,"<","&lt;") & """<br />"
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & showresult(xstring,"^(?<proto>\w+)://[^/]+?(?<port>:\d+)?/")
               lbl01.Text = xmatchstr
           End Sub
           Function showresult(xstring,xpattern)
               Dim xmatch As Match
               Dim xcaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim ycaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim xgroups As GroupCollection
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               Dim xint As Integer
               Dim yint As Integer
               Dim zint As Integer
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "<br />Result of Regex.Match(string,""" & Replace(xpattern,"<","&lt;") & """): """
               xmatch = Regex.Match(xstring,xpattern)
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xmatch.value & """<br />"
               xcaptures = xmatch.Captures
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures.Count & """<br />"
               For xint = 0 to xcaptures.Count - 1
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of CaptureCollection("& xint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures(xint).Value & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Index & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Length & """<br />"
                   xgroups = xmatch.Groups
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of GroupCollection.Count: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups.Count & """<br />"
                   For yint = 0 to xgroups.Count - 1
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of GroupCollection("& yint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups(yint).Value & ", " & xgroups(yint).Index & ", " & xgroups(yint).Length & """<br />"
                       ycaptures = xgroups(yint).Captures
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures.Count & """<br />"
                       For zint = 0 to ycaptures.Count - 1
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->->Result of CaptureCollection("& zint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures(zint).Value & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Index & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Length & """<br />"
               Return xmatchstr
           End Function
       <% Response.Write ("<h1>This is a Sample Page of Scanning for Protocol and Port Number</h1>") %>
           <%-- Set on Page_Load --%>
           <asp:Label id="lbl01" runat="server" />
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Scanning Of Invalid Characters

Examples Of Scanning out all nonalphanumeric characters except periods (.), at symbols (@), And hyphens (-).
ASP.NET Code Input:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
       <title>Sample Page</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
       <script runat="server">
           Sub Page_Load()
               Dim xstring As String = "http://www.cl4@55oso.c.- -om: -8-080/letters/readme.html"
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "Given string: """ & Replace(xstring,"<","&lt;") & """<br />"
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & showresult(xstring,"((?<invalid>[^\w\.@-]*)(?<valid>[\w\.@-]*))*")
               lbl01.Text = xmatchstr
           End Sub
           Function showresult(xstring,xpattern)
               Dim xmatch As Match
               Dim xcaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim ycaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim xgroups As GroupCollection
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               Dim xint As Integer
               Dim yint As Integer
               Dim zint As Integer
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "<br />Result of Regex.Match(string,""" & Replace(xpattern,"<","&lt;") & """): """
               xmatch = Regex.Match(xstring,xpattern)
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xmatch.value & """<br />"
               xcaptures = xmatch.Captures
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures.Count & """<br />"
               For xint = 0 to xcaptures.Count - 1
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of CaptureCollection("& xint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures(xint).Value & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Index & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Length & """<br />"
                   xgroups = xmatch.Groups
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of GroupCollection.Count: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups.Count & """<br />"
                   For yint = 0 to xgroups.Count - 1
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of GroupCollection("& yint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups(yint).Value & ", " & xgroups(yint).Index & ", " & xgroups(yint).Length & """<br />"
                       ycaptures = xgroups(yint).Captures
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures.Count & """<br />"
                       For zint = 0 to ycaptures.Count - 1
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->->Result of CaptureCollection("& zint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures(zint).Value & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Index & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Length & """<br />"
               Return xmatchstr
           End Function
       <% Response.Write ("<h1>This is a Sample Page of Scanning of Invalid Characters</h1>") %>
           <%-- Set on Page_Load --%>
           <asp:Label id="lbl01" runat="server" />
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

Scanning of Valid Email Format

Examples of Scanning of Valid Email Format.
ASP.NET Code Input:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
       <title>Sample Page</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
       <script runat="server">
           Sub Page_Load()
               Dim xstring As String = ""
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "Given string: """ & Replace(xstring,"<","&lt;") & """<br />"
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & showresult(xstring,"^(?("")("".+?(?<!\\)""@)|(([0-9a-z]((\.(?!\.))|[-!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^`{}|~\w])*)(?<=[0-9a-z])@))(?([)([(\d{1,3}.){3}\d{1,3}])|(([0-9a-z][-0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]*.)+[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,22}[a-z0-9]))$")
               lbl01.Text = xmatchstr
           End Sub
           Function showresult(xstring,xpattern)
               Dim xmatch As Match
               Dim xcaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim ycaptures As CaptureCollection
               Dim xgroups As GroupCollection
               Dim xmatchstr As String = ""
               Dim xint As Integer
               Dim yint As Integer
               Dim zint As Integer
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "<br />Result of Regex.Match(string,""" & Replace(xpattern,"<","&lt;") & """): """
               xmatch = Regex.Match(xstring,xpattern)
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xmatch.value & """<br />"
               xcaptures = xmatch.Captures
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
               xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures.Count & """<br />"
               For xint = 0 to xcaptures.Count - 1
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of CaptureCollection("& xint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xcaptures(xint).Value & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Index & ", " & xcaptures(xint).Length & """<br />"
                   xgroups = xmatch.Groups
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->Result of GroupCollection.Count: """
                   xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups.Count & """<br />"
                   For yint = 0 to xgroups.Count - 1
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->Result of GroupCollection("& yint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & xgroups(yint).Value & ", " & xgroups(yint).Index & ", " & xgroups(yint).Length & """<br />"
                       ycaptures = xgroups(yint).Captures
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->Result of CaptureCollection.Count: """
                       xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures.Count & """<br />"
                       For zint = 0 to ycaptures.Count - 1
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & "->->->->Result of CaptureCollection("& zint & ").Value, Index, Length: """
                           xmatchstr = xmatchstr & ycaptures(zint).Value & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Index & ", " & ycaptures(zint).Length & """<br />"
               Return xmatchstr
           End Function
       <% Response.Write ("<h1>This is a Sample Page of Scanning of of Valid Email Format</h1>") %>
           <%-- Set on Page_Load --%>
           <asp:Label id="lbl01" runat="server" />
HTML Web Page Embedded Output:

See also



ID: 190800004 Last Updated: 8/4/2019 Revision: 0 Ref:



  1. Active Server Pages,  ,
  2. ASP Overview,  ,
  3. ASP Best Practices,  ,
  4. ASP Built-in Objects,  ,
  5. Response Object,  ,
  6. Request Object,  ,
  7. Server Object (IIS),  ,
  8. Application Object (IIS),  ,
  9. Session Object (IIS),  ,
  10. ASPError Object,  ,
  11. ObjectContext Object (IIS),  ,
  12. Debugging Global.asa Files,  ,
  13. How to: Debug Global.asa files,  ,
  14. Calling COM Components from ASP Pages,  ,
  15. IIS ASP Scripting Reference,  ,
  16. ASP Keywords,  ,
  17. Creating Simple ASP Pages,  ,
  18. Including Files in ASP Applications,  ,
  19. ASP Overview,  ,
  20. FileSystemObject Object,  ,
  21.,  , ADO Object Model
  22. ADO Fundamentals,  ,

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Home 5






Hobbies 8


Chinese 1097

English 339

Reference 79


Hardware 249


Application 213

Digitization 32

Latex 52

Manim 205

KB 1

Numeric 19


Web 289

Unicode 504


CSS 65

SVG 46


OS 429

DeskTop 7

Python 72



Formulas 8

Algebra 84

Number Theory 206

Trigonometry 31

Geometry 34

Coordinate Geometry 2

Calculus 67

Complex Analysis 21


Tables 8


Mechanics 1

Rigid Bodies

Statics 92

Dynamics 37

Fluid 5

Fluid Kinematics 5


Process Control 1

Acoustics 19

FiniteElement 2

Natural Sciences

Matter 1

Electric 27

Biology 1

Geography 1

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