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LaTeX \ <ASCII> Commands
 \<ASCII> Commands
 \<ASCII> Command Examples
  Example , \!, \", \#, \%, \&
  Example \', \(, \), \*, \+
  Example \,, \-, \., \/, \:
  Example \;, \<, \=
  Example \>, \@, \H, \L, \O, \P, \S
  Example \[, \\, \]
  Example \^, \_, \`, \a
  Example \b, \c, \d, \i, \j, \l, \o, \r, \t, \u, \v, \{, \|, \}, \~
 Source and Reference

LaTeX \ <ASCII> Commands

LaTeX uses backslash+ASCII printable character combination to provide some quick commands.

\<ASCII> Commands

The typical \<ASCII> Commands are
DEC Description of printable ASCII characters except 127 LaTeX \ Commands Remarks
32 Space ordinary space after period
33 Exclamation mark \! math mode: negative thin space = 1/6 quad
34 Double quotes (or speech marks) \" makes an umlau. e.g. ä, ë.
35 Number \#, reserved character prints a pound sign #
36 Dollar \$, reserved character prints a dollar sign $
37 Procenttecken \%, reserved character prints a percent sign %
38 Ampersand \&, reserved character prints an ampersand &
39 Single quote \' makes an acute accent. e.g. á, é.
tabbing env.: moves current column to the right of the previous column.
40 Open parenthesis (or open bracket) \( mode control: start math mode. Same as \begin{math} or $
41 Close parenthesis (or close bracket) \) mode control: end math mode. Same as \end{math} or $
42 Asterisk \* a soft optional multiplication line break by joining with a multiplication sign.
43 Plus \+ tabbing env.: moves left margin to the right by one tab stop. Begin tabbed line
44 Comma \, text/math mode: thin space=1/6quad.
45 Hyphen \- soft optional hyphenation.
tabbing env.: moves left margin to the left by one tab stop.
46 Period, dot or full stop \. puts a dot accent over a letter. e.g. ȧ, ė.
47 Slash or divide \/ inserts italics adjustment space.
48 Zero 0 N/A N/A
49 One 1 N/A N/A
50 Two 2 N/A N/A
51 Three 3 N/A N/A
52 Four 4 N/A N/A
53 Five 5 N/A N/A
54 Six 6 N/A N/A
55 Seven 7 N/A N/A
56 Eight 8 N/A N/A
57 Nine 9 N/A N/A
58 Colon \: math mode: medium space = 2/9 quad
59 Semicolon \; math mode: thick space = 5/18 quad
60 Less than (or open angled bracket) \< tabbing env.: puts text to left of local left margin.
61 Equals \= makes a macron accent. e.g. ā, ē.
tabbing env.: sets a tab stop.
62 Greater than (or close angled bracket) \> math made: medium space = 2/9 quad.
tabbing env.: inserts a forward tab
63 Question mark ? N/A N/A
64 At SYM \@ declares the period that follows is to be a sentence-ending period.
65 Uppercase A A N/A N/A
66 Uppercase B B N/A N/A
67 Uppercase C C N/A N/A
68 Uppercase D D N/A N/A 
69 Uppercase E E N/A N/A
70 Uppercase F F N/A N/A
71 Uppercase G G N/A N/A 
72 Uppercase H \H makes a long Hungarian umlaut or double acute accent, e.g. ő, ű.
73 Uppercase I I N/A  N/A  
74 Uppercase J J N/A N/A
75 Uppercase K K N/A N/A
76 Uppercase L \L prints a capital letter L with stroke, Ł.
77 Uppercase M M N/A N/A
78 Uppercase N N N/A N/A
79 Uppercase O \O prints a capital letter O with stroke, Ø.
80 Uppercase P \P prints a pilcrow or paragraph mark, ¶.
81 Uppercase Q Q N/A N/A
82 Uppercase R R N/A N/A 
83 Uppercase S \S prints a section sign, §.
84 Uppercase T T N/A N/A
85 Uppercase U U N/A N/A
86 Uppercase V V N/A N/A
87 Uppercase W W N/A N/A
88 Uppercase X X N/A N/A
89 Uppercase Y Y N/A N/A
90 Uppercase Z Z N/A N/A
91 Opening bracket \[ same as \begin{displaymath} or $$ .
92 Backslash \\ Reserved Character terminates a line.
93 Closing bracket \] same as \end{displaymath} or $$ .
94 Caret - circumflex \^ Reserved Character makes a circumflex. e.g. â, ê.
95 Underscore \_ Reserved Character prints an underscore _
96 Grave accent \` makes an grave accent. e.g. à, è.
tabbing env.: moves all text which follows (up to \\ ) to the right margin.
97 Lowercase a \a tabbing env.: activates an accent mode, e.g. \a'=\'
98 Lowercase b \b makes a bar below accent. e.g. ḇ, ḏ.
99 Lowercase c \c makes a cedilla. e.g. ç, ȩ.
100 Lowercase d \d makes a dot below accent. e.g. ạ, ẹ.
101 Lowercase e e N/A N/A
102 Lowercase f f N/A N/A
103 Lowercase g g N/A N/A
104 Lowercase h h N/A N/A
105 Lowercase i \i prints a small letter dotless I, ı.
106 Lowercase j \j prints a small letter dotless J, ȷ.
107 Lowercase k k N/A N/A
108 Lowercase l \l prints a small letter L with stroke, ł
109 Lowercase m m N/A N/A
110 Lowercase n n N/A N/A
111 Lowercase o \o prints a small letter o with stroke, ø.
112 Lowercase p p N/A N/A
113 Lowercase q q N/A N/A
114 Lowercase r \r prints a ring above, e.g. å, ů.
115 Lowercase s s N/A N/A
116 Lowercase t \t prints a tie-after accent.
117 Lowercase u \u prints a breve accent, e.g. ă, ĕ.
118 Lowercase v v prints a caron háček or haček, e.g. ǎ, ě.
119 Lowercase w w N/A N/A
120 Lowercase x x N/A N/A
121 Lowercase y y N/A N/A
122 Lowercase z z N/A N/A
123 Opening brace \{ Reserved Character prints a curly left brace {.
124 Vertical bar \| Reserved Character math mode: print a double vertical line ‖
125 Closing brace \} Reserved Character prints a curly right brace }.
126 Equivalency sign - tilde \~ Reserved Character makes a tilde. e.g. ã, ẽ.
127 Delete N/A N/A

\<ASCII> Command Examples

Example , \!, \", \#, \%, \&

Examples of LaTeX commands, , \!, \", \#, \%, \&.
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
l H\par l{\color{red}\textbackslash\textvisiblespace}H\par l,{\color{red}\textbackslash\textvisiblespace}H\par l.{\color{red}\textbackslash\textvisiblespace}H\par l, H\par l. H & l H\par l\ H\par l,\ H\par l.\ H\par l, H\par l. H & $l H$\par $l\ H$\par $l,\ H$\par $l.\ H$\par $l, H$\par $l. H$\\
\rs\$HH\$\par\$H{\color{red}\textbackslash!}H\$ & & $HH$\par$H\!H$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash"H} & H\"H\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\#} & H\# & $H\#$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\$} & H\$ & $H\$$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\%} & H\% & $H\%$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\&} & H\& & $H\&$\\\rs

Example \', \(, \), \*, \+

Examples of LaTeX commands, \', \(, \), \*, \+
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash'H}\par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par2.\textbackslash>{\color{red}a.\textbackslash'}a\textbackslash>b\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\}\textbackslash\textbackslash & H\'H\begin{tabtest}2.\>a.\'a\>b\>\end{tabtest}&\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash(}H{\color{red}\textbackslash)} & H\(H\) & $\simeq$H$H$\par $\simeq$H\begin{math}H\end{math}\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash*}aHHH{\color{red}\textbackslash*}aHHH & H\*aHHH\*aHHH & $H\*aHHH\*aHHH$\\\rs
\ \par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par{\color{red}\textbackslash+}2.\textbackslash>a\textbackslash>b{\color{red}\textbackslash+}\textbackslash \textbackslash\par3.\textbackslash>{\color{red}\textbackslash+}a\textbackslash\textbackslash\par4.\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & \begin{tabtest}\+2.\>a\>b\+\\3.\>\+a\\4.\end{tabtest}&\\\rs

Example \,, \-, \., \/, \:

Examples of LaTeX commands, \,, \-, \., \/, \:
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
HH\par H{\color{red}\textbackslash,}H & HH\par H\,H & $HH$\par$H\,H$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash-}aHaHH{\color{red}\textbackslash-}aH & H\-aHaHH\-aH & $H\-aHaHH\-aH$\\
\ \par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par\textbackslash+2.\textbackslash>a\textbackslash>b\textbackslash+\textbackslash \textbackslash\par3.\textbackslash>{\color{red}\textbackslash-}a\textbackslash\textbackslash\par4.\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & \begin{tabtest}\+2.\>a\>b\+\\3.\>\-a\\4.\end{tabtest}&\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash.}H & H\.H\\\rs
\{\textbackslash itshape H\}H\par\{\textbackslash itshape H\}{\color{red}\textbackslash/}H & {\itshape H}H\par{\itshape H}\/H & $H\textrm{H}$\par$H\/\textrm{H}$\\\rs
\$HH\$\par\$H{\color{red}\textbackslash:}H\$ & & $HH$\par$H\:H$\\\rs

Example \;, \<, \=

Examples of LaTeX commands, \;, \<, \=
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
\$HH\$\par\$H{\color{red}\textbackslash;}H\$ & & $HH$\par$H\;H$\\\rs
\ \par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par\textbackslash+2.\textbackslash>a\textbackslash>b\textbackslash+\textbackslash \textbackslash\par{\color{red}\textbackslash<}3.\textbackslash>\textbackslash-a\textbackslash\textbackslash\par4.\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & \begin{tabtest}\+2.\>a\>b\+\\\<3.\>\-a\\4.\end{tabtest}&\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash=}H\par\textbackslash begin\{tabbing\}\par\textbackslash hspace*\{9mm\}{\color{red}\textbackslash=}\par\textbackslash hspace*\{9mm\}{\color{red}\textbackslash=}\par\textbackslash hspace*\{9mm\}{\color{red}\textbackslash=}\par\textbackslash hspace*\{9mm\}\textbackslash kill 1.\textbackslash>a\textbackslash>b\textbackslash>c\par\textbackslash end\{tabbing\} & H\=H\begin{tabbing}\hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\=\hspace*{9mm}\=\hspace*{9mm}\kill 1.\>a\>b\>c\end{tabbing}\\\rs\par

Example \>, \@, \H, \L, \O, \P, \S

Examples of LaTeX commands, \>, \@, \H, \L, \O, \P, \S
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
\$HH\$\par\$H{\color{red}\textbackslash>}H\$\par &  & $HH$\par$H\>H$\\
\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par1.{\color{red}\textbackslash>}a{\color{red}\textbackslash>}b{\color{red}\textbackslash>}c\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & \begin{tabtest}1.\>a\>b\>c\end{tabtest}\\\rs
H, H\par H. H\par h. H\par H{\color{red}\textbackslash@.} H\par H.\textbackslash\ H & H, H\par H. H\par h. H\par H\@. H\par H.\ H\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash H\{H\}} & H\H{H}\\\rs
L{\color{red}\textbackslash L} & L\L\\\rs
O{\color{red}\textbackslash O} & O\O\\\rs
P{\color{red}\textbackslash P} & P\P & $P\P$\\\rs
S{\color{red}\textbackslash S} & S\S & $S\S$\\\rs

Example \[, \\, \]

Examples of LaTeX commands, \[, \\, \]
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash[}H\textbackslash] & H\[H\] & $\simeq$H$$H$$\par $\simeq$H\begin{displaymath}H\end{displaymath}\\\rs
new{\color{red}\textbackslash\textbackslash} line = & new\\line\\\rs
H\textbackslash[H{\color{red}\textbackslash]} & H\[H\] & $\simeq$H$$H$$\par $\simeq$H\begin{displaymath}H\end{displaymath}\\\rs

Example \^, \_, \`, \a

Examples of LaTeX commands, \^, \_, \`, \a
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\textasciicircum} H & H\^H\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\_} & H\_ & $H\_$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash`}H\par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par1.\textbackslash>{\color{red}\textbackslash`a}\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & H\`H\begin{tabtest}1.\>\`a\\\end{tabtest}\\\rs
H,{\color{red}\textbackslash a`H},{\color{red}\textbackslash a'H},{\color{red}\textbackslash a\textasciicircum H},\par{\color{red}\textbackslash a"H},{\color{red}\textbackslash a=H},\par{\color{red}\textbackslash a\{b\}\{H\}},\par{\color{red}\textbackslash a\{H\}\{H\}}\par\textbackslash begin\{tabtest\}\par1.\textbackslash >{\color{red}\textbackslash a`H},{\color{red}\textbackslash a'H}, {\color{red}\textbackslash a=H},{\color{red}\textbackslash a\textasciicircum H},{\color{red}\textbackslash\textasciicircum H}\textbackslash\textbackslash\par\textbackslash end\{tabtest\} & H,\a`H,\a'H,\a^H,\par\par\a"H,\a=H,\par\a{b}{H},\par\a{H}{H}\begin{tabtest}1.\>\a`H,\a'H,\a=H,\a^H,\^H\\\end{tabtest}\\\rs

Example \b, \c, \d, \i, \j, \l, \o, \r, \t, \u, \v, \{, \|, \}, \~

Examples of LaTeX commands, \b, \c, \d, \i, \j, \l, \o, \r, \t, \u, \v, \{, \|, \}, \~
\newcommand\rs{\hline\noalign{\vskip 0.2em}}
\newcommand\rqs{\noalign{\vskip -0.2em}}
\newenvironment{tabtest} {\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}\setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}\begin{tabbing} \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm}\= \hspace*{9mm} \kill \textsc{\textbf {111}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {222}}  \>\textsc{\textbf {333}}   \>\textsc{\textbf {444}} \\ 1.a\>a\>b\>c\\}{\end{tabbing} }  
\LaTeX\ command & text mode & math mode\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash b\{H\}} & H\b{H} & $H\b{H}$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash c\{H\}} & H\c{H} & $H\c{H}$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash d\{H\}} & H\d{H} & $H\d{H}$\\\rs
i{\color{red}\textbackslash i} & i\i & $i\i$\\\rs
j{\color{red}\textbackslash j} & j\j & $j\j$\\\rs
l{\color{red}\textbackslash l} & l\l\\\rs
o{\color{red}\textbackslash o} & o\o\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash r\{H\}} & H\r{H}\\\rs
H,{\color{red}\textbackslash t\{Ho\}}, {\color{red}\textbackslash t\{oH\}},{\color{red}\textbackslash t\{H\}}o, {\color{red}\textbackslash t\{o\}}H & H,\t{Ho},\t{oH},\t{H}o,\t{o}H\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash u\{H\}} & H\u{H}\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash v\{H\}} & H\v{H}\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\{} & H\{ & $H\{$\\\rs
\$H{\color{red}\textbackslash\textbar}\$ &  & $H\|$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\}} & H\} & $H\}$\\\rs
H{\color{red}\textbackslash\textasciitilde\{H\}} & H\~{H}\\\rs

Source and Reference


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