Draft for Information Only
English Vocabulary: c- Cabanatuan City
- cabbage
- Cabimas
- cabin A physical structural object that is a small, simple house hut or shelter which is made of wood located in a wild, rural o remote area.
last updated 01 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottagelast updated 01 Apr 2015 - cabinet A piece of furniture that has shelves, cupboards, drawers, or doors, and is used to store or display things or articles.
last updated 06 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinetrylast updated 06 Jan 2016 - cable
- Cabo de Santo Agostinho
- Cabo Frio
- Cabuyao City
- cache
- Cachoeirinha
- Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
- cactus
- cadge
- Cádiz
- Cadiz City
- cadmium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cd, atomic number 48, and atomic weight 112.4.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadmiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - Caen
- caesium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cs, atomic number 55, and atomic weight 132.9.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - Cagayan de Oro
- cage
- cagey
- Cagliari
- Caguas
- Cainta
- Cairns
- Cairo
- Cajamarca
- cake
- Calabar
- Calais
- Calama
- Calamba City
- Calapan City
- Calbayog
- calcium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ca, atomic number 20, and atomic weight 40.08.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calciumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - calculate
- calculating
- calculation
- calculator
- Calcutta
- calendar
- Calgary
- Cali
- californium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cf, atomic number 98, and atomic weight ().
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Californiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - call
- callous
- calm
- calmly
- Caloocan
- Cẩm Phả
- Camaçari
- Camagüey
- Camaragibe
- Cambodia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Kingdom of Cambodia, in Southeast Asia.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodialast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Cambodian
- Cambridge
- camel camel" is something which is an animal that is a large ungulate mammal with a long neck, long slender legs, broad cushioned feet, and either one or two humps on the back, and survives for long periods without food or drink in a desert travel.
last updated 19 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camellast updated 19 Mar 2015 - camera
- Cameroon A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Cameroon, in West Africa.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameroonlast updated 25 Jan 2016 - camisole
- camp
- campaign
- Campeche
- Campina Grande
- Campinas
- Campo Grande
- Campos dos Goytacazes
- can
- Cần Thơ
- Canada A proper name that is used to name a country in North America.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadalast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Canadian
- canal
- canary A small African song bird that has yellowish-green, yellow plumage.
last updated 02 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_canarylast updated 02 Jan 2016 - Canberra
- cancel
- cancellation
- cancer
- Candelaria
- candidate
- candle An object that is a piece of wax, tallow, fragrance, or another fatty or flammable solid substance, made in usually stick, cylindrical shape, with an ignitable wick for burning slowing.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlelast updated 08 Jan 2016 - candlestick A device that is used as a holder, usually ornamental, with spikes or sockets for holding one or more candles.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlesticklast updated 08 Jan 2016 - Cangzhou
- cannon
- Canoas
- canon A person who is a Christian priest with special duties in a cathedral.
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_%28priest%29last updated 20 Mar 2015 - cantaloupe
- canvas
- cap a headwear with a visor and no brim for covering the head
last updated 13 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cap">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cap">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caplast updated 12 Feb 2015 - capable
- cape
- Cape Breton
- Cape Coral
- capercaillie capercaillie" is something which is an animal that is a large turkey-like European woodland grouse with a black plumage and fan-shaped tail in the male.
last updated 25 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_capercaillielast updated 25 Mar 2015 - Cap-Haïtien
- capital
- capitalist A person who has a lot of money, property, etc, and owns capital to invest for making profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.
last updated 21 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalismlast updated 21 Mar 2015 - capon capon" is something which is a male animal that is a castrated domestic cock with the removal ofpart of the sex organs.
last updated 24 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caponlast updated 24 Mar 2015 - capricious
- captain
- caption
- capture
- car car" is something which is a machine that is a self-propelled road vehicle with usually seats, four wheels and an engine for carrying a small number of passengers on roads.
last updated 22 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlast updated 22 Mar 2015 - Caracas
- Carapicuíba
- caravan
- carbon A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol C, atomic number 6, and atomic weight [12.00, 12.02].
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - Carcar
- card card" is something which is an object that is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard of a set of playing card.
last updated 21 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playing_cardlast updated 21 Mar 2015 - Cardiff
- cardinal A New World songbird that has a black face and heavy red stout bill, a conspicuous crest, and bright red plumage for the male.
last updated 01 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_%28bird%29last updated 01 Jan 2016 - care
- career
- carefree
- careful
- carefully
- careless
- carelessly
- careworn
- Cariacica
- caribou caribou" is something which is an animal that is a large deer with large branched antlers in both male and female.
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cariboulast updated 23 Mar 2015 - carillon
- caring
- Carlisle
- Carolina
- carpenter A person who builds, makes and repairs wooden structures and objects.
last updated 22 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpentrylast updated 22 Feb 2015 - Carrefour
- carriage
- Carrollton
- carrot a long pointed orange root vegetable.
last updated 27 Sep 2019 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrotlast updated 08 Feb 2015 - carry
- cart
- Cartagena
- Cartagena de Indias
- Cartago
- cartload
- carton
- Caruaru
- Carúpano
- carve
- Casablanca
- Cascavel
- case
- cast cast" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of something being chosed or selected, or casted, threw or dropped.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - Castanhal
- Castellón de la Plana
- castle
- cat cat" is something which is an animal that is a small domesticated carnivorous feline mammal with thick soft fur,a short snout, and retractile claws.
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catlast updated 20 Mar 2015 - catalog
- Catanduva
- Catania
- catch catch" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of fish being catched.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - caterpillar caterpillar" is something which is a larva of an insect that develops into a butterfly or moth and has a small and long segmented body with three pair of true legs and several pairs of leg-like appendages.
last updated 17 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caterpillarlast updated 17 Mar 2015 - Catholic
- Catia La Mar
- cattle cattle" is something which is an animal that is a large bovid ruminant mammal with horns and cloven hoofs, and kept on a farm or ranch for meat or milk.
last updated 22 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattlelast updated 22 Mar 2015 - Cauayan City
- Caucaia
- cauliflower
- cause
- caution
- cautious
- cautiously
- cavalcade
- cave
- Cavite City
- Caxias
- Caxias do Sul
- Cayenne
- ceasefire
- ceaseless
- Cebu City
- Cedar Rapids
- ceiling The inner upper surface of a room that is the surface, usually flat, on which one look above.
last updated 05 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceilinglast updated 05 Jan 2016 - Celaya
- celebrate
- celery
- cellar
- cement The 'mass' thing of a grey powdery substance that is made by calcining lime and clay for mixing with water to form mortar or mixing with sand, gravel, and water to make concret.
last updated 24 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cementlast updated 24 Dec 2015 - cemetery
- cent
- center An abstract concept of a zero dimensional geometric thing that is the point within a figure with equal distance from every point on the boundary.
last updated 16 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_%28geometry%29last updated 16 Apr 2015 - centerpiece An object that is an ornament or display, such as a group of flowers, placed in the middle of a dining table.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrepiecelast updated 08 Jan 2016 - centimeter A concept of measuring unit that is a unit of linear measure of 0.01 metres.
last updated 15 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centimetrelast updated 15 Apr 2015 - centipede A small metameric creature that has a long, thin, segmented body, many pairs of legs, a pair of fangs modified by the front pair of legs, and each flattened segment bears a single pair of legs.
last updated 03 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centipedelast updated 03 Jan 2016 - century
- ceramic
- ceremony
- cerium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ce, atomic number 58, and atomic weight 140.1.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceriumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - certain
- certainly
- certainty
- cesium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cs, atomic number 55, and atomic weight 132.9.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - cete
- Chad A proper name that is used to name a country, officially Republic of Chad , in Central Africa.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chadlast updated 25 Jan 2016 - chain chain" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of things being connected.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - chair A piece of furniture that has a flat top, a back, sometimes two arms and one or more legs, typically four legs, and is used to provide a raised surface to seat a single person.
last updated 06 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chairlast updated 06 Jan 2016 - chairman
- chalk The 'mass' thing of a soft, fine, white, porous sedimentary rock that is the buff limestone composed of mineral calcit, calcium carbonate.
last updated 26 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalklast updated 26 Dec 2015 The 'mass' thing of a soft chalk-like substance, calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate that is usually made in stick-form for writing or drawing on a reusable writing surface.last updated 26 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackboardlast updated 26 Dec 2015 - challenge
- chamois chamois" is something which is an animal that is a agile sure-footed goat antelope with vertical backard-pointing horns and lives on mountains.
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamoislast updated 23 Mar 2015 - champion
- chance
- Chandannagar
- chandelier An ornamental hanging light that is a light hanging from the ceiling with many decorative parts like branches or holders for holding several light bulbs or candles.
last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandelierlast updated 07 Jan 2016 - Chandigarh
- Chandler
- Chandrapur
- Changchun
- Changde
- change change" is something which is a collection of something that is a set of tuned bells being rung by a fixed order.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - changeable
- Changji
- Changsha
- Changshi
- Changwon
- Changzhi
- Changzhou
- channel
- Chaohu
- Chaoyang
- Chaozhou
- Chapecó
- chapter
- character
- charge
- Charikar
- Charleroi
- Charlotte
- charm charm" is something which is a collection of something that have a fascinating, attractive, alluring or delighting characteristic or feature.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - charming
- chart
- chase
- Chatham-Kent
- Chattanooga
- chattering
- cheap
- cheat
- Cheboksary
- check
- cheer
- cheerful
- cheerfully
- cheese The 'mass' thing of an edible firm or soft substance of color yellow or white that is made from the curd of milk separated from the whey and is used as a food.
last updated 22 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheeselast updated 22 Dec 2015 - cheetah cheetah" is something which is an animal that is a large swift, long-legged cat with a small head, nonretractile claws, and a black-spotted yellowish brown fur.
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheetahlast updated 20 Mar 2015 - Chelyabinsk
- chemical Any basic compound or substance of constant chemical composition and characteristic properties that is used in, or produced by chemistry or the phenomena of chemistry.
last updated 28 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_substancelast updated 28 Dec 2015 - chemicals
- chemist A person who studies chemistry subject, or does scientific works and studies with chemicals and chemical reactions.
last updated 22 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistlast updated 22 Feb 2015 - chemistry chemistry" is something which is a branch of physical science that deals with the scientific study of the composition, structure, and properties of substances, and the processes of a substance changes and reacts with other substances.
last updated 28 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistrylast updated 28 Feb 2015 - Chemnitz
- Chengde
- Chengdu
- Chengzhou
- Chennai
- Cheonan
- Cheongju
- Cherepovets
- Cherkasy
- Cherkessk
- Chernihiv
- Chernivtsi
- cherry
- Cherthala
- chess
- chest
- chew
- Chhapra
- Chía
- Chiang Mai
- Chiayi
- Chiba
- Chibi City
- Chicago
- chicken chicken" is something which is a bird that is a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat.
last updated 19 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickenlast updated 19 Mar 2015 - Chiclayo
- chief
- Chifeng
- Chigasaki
- Chihuahua
- Chikmagalur
- child A male or female person who is one's son or daughter, or offspring.
last updated 20 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childlast updated 20 Feb 2015 - childhood childhood" is something which is the concept of an age span of a person that is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence.
last updated 27 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhoodlast updated 27 Feb 2015 - childlike
- children
- Chile A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Chile, in South America.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilelast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Chilean
- Chillán
- chilly
- Chilpancingo
- Chimalhuacán
- Chimbote
- chimney
- chin
- China A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the People's Republic of China, in East Asia.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinalast updated 25 Jan 2016 - china A high quality clay that is a fine, hard, white or translucent vitrified ceramic material, and can be shaped to any object before permanently hardened into baked clay by heat.
last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcelainlast updated 07 Jan 2016 A porcelain ware that is the type originally from China.last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_ceramicslast updated 07 Jan 2016 A porcelain ware that is household tableware, or objects, such as bowls, cups and plates, made from china, or a similar material.last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablewarelast updated 07 Jan 2016 A ceramic ware that is household tableware or other domestic earthenware, or objects collectively, such as bowls, cups and plates, saucers, dishes, vases, or ornaments, etc, and is made from china, porcelain, vitreous porcelain, any similar porcelain.last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tableware||https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcelain||last updated 07 Jan 2016 as modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of china.last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcelainlast updated 07 Jan 2016 - china cabinet A storage cabinet that is used to store china or chinaware when not in use.
last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupboardlast updated 07 Jan 2016 - Chinandega
- Chincha Alta
- chinchilla chinchilla" is something which is an animal that is a small gregarious hystricomorph rodent with stocky body, soft silvery grey fur and long bushy tail
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinchillalast updated 20 Mar 2015 - chine
- Chinese
- Chingola
- Chiniot
- Chirala
- Chirchiq
- chirm
- chirpy
- chisel chisel" is something which is a long metal blade with a bevelled sharp edge for cutting.
last updated 16 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chisellast updated 16 Feb 2015 - Chishtian
- Chişinău
- Chita
- Chitradurga
- Chittagong
- Chittoor
- Chitungwiza
- chivalrous
- Chizhou
- Chlef
- Chloe A name that is used as a given name to name a female person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.
last updated 27 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloelast updated 27 Feb 2015 - chlorine A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cl, atomic number 17, and atomic weight [35.44, 35.46].
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorinelast updated 15 Feb 2015 - Chōfu
- choice
- choir
- choke
- Choloma
- Choluteca
- Chonburi
- Chongjin
- Chongqing
- choose
- chop
- chorus
- Chorzów
- chough chough" is something which is a bird that is a large passerine bird with glossy blue-black plumage, red legs, a downcurved bill and broad red rounded wings.
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choughlast updated 20 Mar 2015 - Christchurch
- Christian A name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.
last updated 27 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_(given_name)last updated 27 Feb 2015 - Christmas
- chromium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cr, atomic number 24, and atomic weight 52.00.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - chromosome
- chrysanthemum
- chubby
- Chula Vista
- Chuncheon
- Chungju
- chunk
- chunky
- church
- churchgoer A person who goes to or attends church regularly.
last updated 21 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_attendancelast updated 21 Mar 2015 - Chuxiong City
- Chuzhou
- Cienfuegos
- Cincinnati
- circa
- circle An abstract concept of a two dimensional geometric figure that is a plane shape bounded by one single line with all straight lines radiating from only one single point within the figure and falling upon the line are of equal in length.
last updated 16 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circlelast updated 16 Apr 2015 - circular A description of something that having a shape or appearance like a circle.
last updated 16 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circlelast updated 16 Apr 2015 - circumference An abstract concept of a geometric feature that is the border line around the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure.
last updated 16 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumferencelast updated 16 Apr 2015 - Cirebon
- citizen
- city city" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name the particular' isa of the place at which someone lives.
last updated 24 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citylast updated 24 Feb 2015 - Ciudad Acuña
- Ciudad Apodaca
- Ciudad Bolívar
- Ciudad del Este
- Ciudad Delgado
- Ciudad Guayana
- Ciudad Juárez
- Ciudad López Mateos
- Ciudad Losada
- Ciudad Madero
- Ciudad Obregón
- Ciudad Victoria
- civilian
- civilize
- Cixi
- claim
- clam clam" is something which is an animal that a marine bivalve mollusc with shells of equal size closed together tightly to protect the soft body.
last updated 18 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clamlast updated 18 Mar 2015 - clammy
- clamour
- clan
- clap
- clarify
- Clarksville
- clash
- class class" is something which is a collection of something that meet together for receiving education.
last updated 09 Mar 2015 - classification
- classify
- classy
- clattering
- claw A curved sharp pointed horny nail part on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, cat and some mammals.
last updated 02 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claw One of the two sharp hooked parts at the end of the limb of an animal that is used for gripping and holding things.last updated 30 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chela_%28organ%29last updated 30 Dec 2015 - clay
- clean
- clear
- clearly
- Clearwater
- Clement A name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.
last updated 27 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clementlast updated 27 Feb 2015 - clergy
- clerk A person who is a worker, especially in an office or bank employed to keep or keep track of records, files , accounts, documents and performe other general or routine administrative duties for a business or office.
last updated 26 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clerklast updated 26 Mar 2015 - Clermont-Ferrand
- cletch
- Cleveland
- clever
- cleverly
- clew
- cliff
- climate
- climb
- cling
- clip
- clique
- clock
- cloistered
- clone
- cloning
- close
- closed
- closely
- cloth as modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of cloth.
last updated 07 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textilelast updated 25 Dec 2015 The 'mass' thing of woven or felted fabric material that is made by weaving, felting or knitting together threads or fibrer of wool, cotton, nylon etc.last updated 25 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textilelast updated 25 Dec 2015 - clothe
- clothes
- cloud cloud" is something which is a collection of something that meet together like a cloud in the air.
last updated 09 Mar 2015 - cloudy
- clover
- clowder
- club
- Cluj-Napoca
- clump
- clumsy
- cluster
- clutch
- clutter
- cluttered
- Coacalco
- coach A person who gives lessons to teach or train people in a particular topic or' isa, sports, skills or school subjects etc.
last updated 22 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coachinglast updated 22 Feb 2015 - coal The black or brownish-black hard 'mass' substance within the earth that is used as a fuel in piece form.
last updated 21 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coallast updated 21 Dec 2015 - coalition coalition" is something which is a collection of something that join together for a particular purpose.
last updated 09 Mar 2015 - coarse
- coast
- coat
- Coatzacoalcos
- coaxingly
- cobalt A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Co, atomic number 27, and atomic weight 58.93.
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobaltlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - cobbler A person who makes or repairs shoes or footwear as a profession.
last updated 21 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoemakinglast updated 21 Mar 2015 - cobra cobra" is something which is an animal that is a highly venomous elapid snake characterized by spreading the skin of neck at the back of head into a hood when disturbed.
When alarmed they spread the skin of the neck region into a hood
last updated 26 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobralast updated 26 Mar 2015 - cobweb
- Cochabamba
- cockatoo An Australasian bird, like a parrot that has an erectile crest and a powerful curved beak.
last updated 02 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockatoolast updated 02 Jan 2016 - cockle cockle" is something which is an animal that is a sand-burrowing bivalve mollusc with a round radical ribbed shell in Europe.
last updated 18 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockle_%28bivalve%29last updated 18 Mar 2015 - cockroach cockroach" is somebody which is an insect that is a black or brown beetle-like scavenging insect with an oval flattened body with long antennae and biting mouthparts.
last updated 24 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockroachlast updated 24 Mar 2015 - coconut
- cocoon A protective covering that is usually made of soft smooth threads secreted by an insect larvae for surrounding and protecting itself during the pupa stage when developing into adult form.
last updated 03 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pupa#Cocoonlast updated 03 Jan 2016 - cod cod" is something which is a fish that is a large gadoid food fish with a long body , a small barbel on the chin and three rounded dorsal fins.
last updated 26 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codlast updated 26 Mar 2015 - Codó
- coffee The 'mass' thing of a dark brown powder with a strong flavour and smell that is made by grindin or crushing the roasted seeds of the coffee tree.
last updated 21 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffeelast updated 21 Dec 2015 - coffee pot A pot that has a spout, handle and shaped opening, usually tall and covered, and is used to brew and serve coffee.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffeemakerlast updated 08 Jan 2016 - coffle
- coherent
- cohort
- coil coil" is something which is a collection of something that move as an electric current moving in a coil.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - Coimbatore
- Coimbra
- coin coin" is something which is an object that is a small usually round piece or flat disc of silver or copper coloured metal with an official stamp issued by a government as money.
last updated 26 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coinlast updated 26 Mar 2015 - Colatina
- Colchester
- cold
- Colima
- collapse
- collar
- collect
- collection
- collective
- collector
- college
- Cologne
- Colombia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Colombia, in South America.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombialast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Colombian
- Colombo
- Colón
- colony colony" is something which is a group of something that live together as an individual separating from others.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - color
- Colorado Springs
- colorful
- colorfully
- colorless
- colossal
- colour
- colt colt" is something which is an animal that is a young uncastrated male horse or pony under the age of four.
last updated 22 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_%28horse%29last updated 22 Mar 2015 - Columbia
- Columbus
- comb
- combative
- combine
- come
- comet A physical celestial object that is a relatively small solar system body moving in an orbit around the Sun in outer space which consists of a solid frozen nucleus of ice and dust and forms a gaseous luminous coma together with a long, bright tail of gas and dust particles pointing away from the Sun when passing near the Sun.
last updated 03 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cometlast updated 03 Apr 2015 - comfort
- comfortable
- Comilla
- command
- comment
- commerce
- commercial
- committee committee" is something which is a collection of something that group together like convening a committee meeting.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - common
- commonly
- commotion
- communicate
- community
- Comodoro Rivadavia
- Comoros A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Union of the Comoros, composed of a group of island in the Indian Ocean.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comoroslast updated 25 Jan 2016 - companion
- companionship
- company company" is something which is a collection of something that gather together forming a distinct group in a community.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - compare
- comparison
- compete
- competition
- competitor
- compile
- complain
- complaint
- complete
- completion
- complex complex" is something which is a collection of something that are linked or connected together in a complicated ways or grouped together with same attribute related to complex.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - complicate
- complication
- compose
- composition
- compromise compromise" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with same attribute related to compromise.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - compute
- computer computer" is something which is a device that is a electronic, usually machine being characterized by receiving, storing, organizing, calculating, searching, controlling and working with large amounts of data and information for processing data in a particular form or performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a set of instructions or
a predetermined but variable set of procedural program to produce a result in the form of information or signals. or to control other devices or machines.
last updated 26 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computerlast updated 26 Mar 2015 - Conakry
- conceive
- concentrate
- Concepción
- conceptualize
- concern
- concerned
- concerning
- conclude
- Concord
- Concordia
- concrete
- condemn
- condemned
- condition
- condo A physical structural object that is an apartment building in which each apartment is wholly owned by somebodies separately, while the common shared areas are jointly owned by all the owners.
last updated 01 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condominiumlast updated 01 Apr 2015 - condominium A physical structural object that is an apartment building in which each apartment is wholly owned by somebodies separately, while the common shared areas are jointly owned by all the owners.
last updated 01 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condominiumlast updated 01 Apr 2015 - conduct
- cone An abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by two surface boundaries or sides obtained by turning a right triangle a full 360 degree rotation with one side adjacent to the right angle fixed as the rotating axis in three dmensional space.
last updated 17 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conelast updated 17 Apr 2015 - conference
- confess
- confession
- confidence
- confident
- confidential
- confirm
- conflagration
- conflict
- confront
- confuse
- confused
- confusion
- Congo A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Central Africa.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congolast updated 25 Jan 2016 A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of the Congo, in Central Africa.last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_the_Congolast updated 25 Jan 2016 - congratulate
- congratulation
- congregation
- congress Congress" is something which is a collection of something that group together like attending a meeting or conference.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - conical
- conjunction
- connect
- connection
- conquer
- conqueror
- conquest
- conscience
- conscious
- conservative
- conserve
- consider
- considering
- consist
- consolidate
- conspiracy
- Constanţa
- Constantine
- constellation A physical celestial thing that is one of the 88 internationally recognized star groupings in the sky which forms a recognizable pattern or a particular shape when seeing from Earth and was traditionally named after its apparent form with a mythological figure of animal, object, or person.
last updated 03 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constellationlast updated 03 Apr 2015 - constitution
- construct
- consult
- contact
- Contagem
- contain
- container
- content
- continent
- continually
- continue
- contract
- control
- convenience
- convenient
- convention
- conversation
- convert
- converting
- convocation
- convoy
- cony cony" is something which is an animal that is a rabbit.
last updated 19 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbitlast updated 19 Mar 2015 - cooing
- cook A person who prepares and cooks food for eating as a profession or an occupation.
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook_%28profession%29last updated 23 Mar 2015 - cooking
- cool
- coolly
- cooperate
- cooperative
- coordinate
- coordinated
- coot coot" is something which is a bird that is an aquatic bird with lobed toes, black and grey plumage, a white bill with a horny shield, and lives near rivers and lakes.
last updated 20 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cootlast updated 20 Mar 2015 - Copenhagen
- copernicium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cn, atomic number 112, and atomic weight ().
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coperniciumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - Copiapó
- copper A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cu, atomic number 29, and atomic weight (63.55).
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copperlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - copy
- Coquimbo
- Coquitlam
- coral The 'mass' thing of a hard, stony, calcareous or horny material that is the skeleton of certain of certain marine coelenterates animals formed in the sea.
last updated 27 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corallast updated 27 Dec 2015 - Coral Springs
- cord
- Córdoba
- corduroys
- Cork
- cork
- cormorant cormorant" is something which is a bird that is a large aquatic diving bird with a dark plumage, a lobg neck and body and a slender hooked beak and lives coastal and inland waters.
last updated 22 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cormorantlast updated 22 Mar 2015 - corn
- corner
- Coro
- Corona
- corps
- Corpus Christi
- correct
- correction
- correctly
- correlate
- Corrientes
- corruption
- cortege
- cosmologist A person who studies the origin, development and nature of the universe scienctifically as a profession or an occupation.
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmologylast updated 23 Mar 2015 - cost
- Costa Mesa
- Cotabato City
- coterie
- Cotia
- Cotonou
- cottage
- Cottbus
- cotton The 'mass' thing of a soft, white fibrous material that grows around the seeds of cotton plans and is used to make cloth.
last updated 21 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottonlast updated 21 Dec 2015 - cottony
- couch A piece of comfortable seating furniture that is a long upholstered seat for seating more than one person, and usually has a back and armrests.
last updated 05 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couchlast updated 05 Jan 2016 - cough
- could
- council
- counsel
- count
- counting
- country country" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name the particular region of the place at which someone lives.
last updated 24 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countrylast updated 24 Feb 2015 - couple A group of two persons who are considered as a married or engaged pair, or lovers.
last updated 21 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriagelast updated 21 Feb 2015 - courage
- courageous
- courageously
- course
- court
- cousin A person who is the child of one's aunt or uncle.
last updated 19 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousinlast updated 19 Feb 2015 - coven
- Coventry
- cover cover" is something which is a collection of something that crowd together like a cover over an area.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - covert
- covey
- cow cow" is something which is an female animal that is a mature female of cattle, especially domesticated cattle and is kept for milk and meat.
last updated 22 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattlelast updated 22 Mar 2015 - coward
- cowardice cowardice" is something which is a collection of something that come together with the lack of bravery or courage character.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - cowardly
- coyote coyote" is something which is an animal that is a canine mammal or a wolf-like wild dog and lives in North America.
last updated 17 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coyotelast updated 17 Mar 2015 - crab A marine crustacean that has a flat body, a broad flattened carapace, stalked eyes, a pair of large front paired claws or pincers, and four pair of limbs.
last updated 30 Dec 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crablast updated 30 Dec 2015 - crabby
- crack
- cracker
- Craiova
- cranberry
- crane crane" is something which is a bird that is a large tall wading bird with a long neck, long thin leg, white or grey plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head, and lives near water.
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_%28bird%29last updated 23 Mar 2015 - crash crash" is something which is a collection of something that come together with crashing and often making loud noises.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - crate
- Crato
- craven
- crawl
- Crawley
- crayon
- crazy
- cream
- creamer A small vessel that is used for serving cream.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creamer_%28vessel%29last updated 08 Jan 2016 - create
- creative
- creator
- creature
- credit
- creep
- creepy
- crew crew" is something which is a collection of something that come together for a particular job or type of work.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - crib
- Criciúma
- cricket A brown or black leaping insect that has long antennae, strong hind legs for jumping, and the male produces chirping notes by rubbing the modified parts of the leathery forewings together.
last updated 04 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricket_%28insect%29last updated 04 Jan 2016 - cricketer cricketer" is somebody who is a person that plays cricket.
last updated 19 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricketlast updated 19 Mar 2015 - crime
- criminal
- crisis
- critic A person who expresses a reasoned or unfavourable opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique
last updated 27 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticlast updated 27 Mar 2015 - criticize
- critique
- Croatia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Croatia, in southeastern Europe.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatialast updated 25 Jan 2016 - crocodile crocodile" is something which is an animal that is a large semiaquatic reptile with a board head, a long body and tail, short legs anda hard skin, and lives in and near rivers and lakes.
last updated 18 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodilelast updated 18 Mar 2015 - crook
- crooked
- crop
- crops
- cross
- crossly
- crow crow" is something which is a bird that is a large gregarious passerine songbird with a heavy bill, glossy black plumage, and rounded wings
last updated 24 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_%28genus%29last updated 24 Mar 2015 - crowd crowd" is something which is a collection of something that gather together in a disorganized or unruly way:
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - crowded
- crown
- cruel
- cruelly
- crush
- cry cry" is something which is a collection of something that group together and often making loud noises or high sounds to express an emotion.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - Cuautitlán
- Cuautla
- cub cub" is something which is an animal that is the young of certain carnivorous animals, such as the lion, bear, etc
last updated 24 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animal_nameslast updated 24 Mar 2015 - Cuba A proper name that is used to name an island country in the Caribbean.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubalast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Cuban
- Cubatão
- cube An abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by six square surface boundaries or sides of the same size in three dmensional space with angle between two adjacent sides is a right angle.
last updated 16 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubelast updated 16 Apr 2015 - cuckold cuckold" is somebody which is a male person that one's spouse has committed adultery or one's wife has a sexual relationship with someone else.
last updated 24 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckoldlast updated 24 Mar 2015 - cucumber
- Cúcuta
- Cuddalore
- cuddly
- Cuenca
- Cuernavaca
- Cuiabá
- Culiacán
- cultivate
- cultivation
- cultivator
- culture culture" is something which is a collection of something that grow together of the same way of life at a particular time
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - cultured
- Cumaná
- cumbersome
- cunning
- cup A small drinking vessel that has a small bowl, often with a handle, and is used for drinking liquids, such as tea, coffee, etc.
last updated 08 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuplast updated 08 Jan 2016 - cupboard
- cur cur" is something which is an animal that is a mongrel or a dog of mixed type and is an aggressive or unkempt dog.
last updated 21 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curlast updated 21 Mar 2015 - cure
- curfew
- Curicó
- curious
- curiously
- Curitiba
- curium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cm, atomic number 96, and atomic weight ().
last updated 15 Feb 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiumlast updated 15 Feb 2015 - curl
- curlew curlew" is something which is a bird that is a large wading shore bird with a very long downward curving thin bill, long legs and brown steaked plumage .
last updated 23 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curlewlast updated 23 Mar 2015 - curly
- current
- curse curse" is something which is a collection of something that group together to carry out a job like performing simple magic tricks.
last updated 01 Mar 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_nounlast updated 01 Mar 2015 - curtain A piece of hanging material, cloth etc, that is suspended at the top to form a screen, and can be moved sideways along a rail or raised up and down as a covering for window, stage, room, etc. to shut out light, or to provide privacy.
last updated 04 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtainlast updated 04 Jan 2016 - curve
- curved
- curvy
- Cusco
- cushion
- custom
- customary
- customer
- customs
- cut
- cute
- Cuttack
- cutting
- cyan
- cycle
- cylinder An abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by three surface boundaries or sides obtained by turning a rectangular parallelogram a full 360 degree rotation with one side fixed as the rotating axis in three dmensional space.
last updated 17 Apr 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylinder_%28geometry%29last updated 17 Apr 2015 - cylindrical
- cynical
- Cyprus A proper name that is used to name an island country, officially the Republic of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean Sea.
last updated 25 Jan 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypruslast updated 25 Jan 2016 - Częstochowa
ID: 130700040 Last Updated: 7/22/2013 Revision: 0