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English Vocabulary: o

  1. oafish
  2. oak
  3. Oakland, California
  4. Oakville
  5. oar
  6. oarsmanopen closeA person who rows a boat especially as a member of a racing team.last updated 26 Mar 2015 updated 26 Mar 2015
  7. oatmeal
  8. Oaxaca de Juárez
  9. obedience
  10. obedient
  11. obediently
  12. obeisance
  13. obeisant
  14. Oberhausen
  15. obese
  16. obey
  17. Obihiro
  18. object
  19. objection
  20. oblong
  21. Obninsk
  22. obnoxious
  23. obnoxiously
  24. obscene
  25. obsequious
  26. observance
  27. observant
  28. observation
  29. observe
  30. obsolete
  31. obstinacy
  32. obstruction
  33. obtain
  34. obtainable
  35. occasion
  36. occupy
  37. occur
  38. ocean
  39. Oceaniaopen closeA physical continent that is the ​islands of the ​Pacific Ocean.last updated 27 Jan 2016 updated 27 Jan 2016
  40. oceanic
  41. Oceanside, California
  42. octopusopen closeA cephalopod mollusc that has a soft sac-like body with no internal shell, strong beak-like jaws, and eight long sucker-bearing tentacles.last updated 30 Dec 2015 updated 30 Dec 2015
  43. Odawara
  44. odd
  45. oddity
  46. oddly
  47. Odense
  48. Odessa
  49. Odintsovo
  50. of
  51. off
  52. offbeat
  53. Offenbach am Main
  54. offend
  55. offense
  56. offensive
  57. offensively
  58. offer
  59. office
  60. officer
  61. official
  62. officially
  63. officiate
  64. often
  65. Ogbomosho
  66. oh
  67. oho
  68. oh-oh
  69. oilopen closeThe 'mass' thing of a viscous edible liquid that is produced from plants or animals, and is used as food in cooking.last updated 21 Dec 2015 updated 21 Dec 2015
  70. Okara
  71. Okayama
  72. Okazaki
  73. Okinawa
  74. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  75. Oktyabrsky
  76. old
  77. Oldenburg
  78. old-fashioned
  79. Oldham
  80. oldish
  81. Olinda
  82. Olmaliq
  83. Olomouc
  84. Olongapo City
  85. Olsztyn
  86. Omaha, Nebraska
  87. Omanopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Sultanate of Oman, in ​Western ​Asia.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  88. Omdurman
  89. omission
  90. omit
  91. Omiya[disambiguation needed]
  92. omniscient
  93. Omsk
  94. on
  95. once
  96. Ondal
  97. one
  98. onerous
  99. Ongole
  100. onionopen closeonion" is something which is an object that is the swollen edible bulb of an alliaceous plant with a strong smell and taste, usually white, yellow, or red on the outside and concentric layers of white succulent leaf bases inside.last updated 26 Mar 2015 updated 26 Mar 2015
  101. Onitsha
  102. onlookeropen closeA person who only watches or observes something, an activity, or event happening in a public place without taking part or being involved or participated.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  103. only
  104. Ontario, California
  105. onto
  106. ooh
  107. oops
  108. open
  109. openly
  110. operate
  111. operation
  112. operator
  113. opinion
  114. Opole
  115. opportunity
  116. oppose
  117. opposite
  118. opposition
  119. oppress
  120. optimal
  121. optimism
  122. optimistically
  123. or
  124. Or Yehuda
  125. Oradea
  126. oralopen closeAn abstract concept of a two dimensional geometric figure that is a plane shape bounded by one single line with a rounded and slightly elongated like an egg of no well-defined or precise mathematical definition.last updated 16 Apr 2015 updated 16 Apr 2015
  127. Oran
  128. orange
  129. Orange, California
  130. orbit
  131. orbiteropen closeA physical device that is designed to go into orbit of a planet in outer space.last updated 14 Apr 2015 updated 14 Apr 2015
  132. orchestra
  133. orchidopen closeorchid" is something which is a plant that is a terrestrial or epiphytic plant with specialized flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colour for pollination by particular insects only.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  134. order
  135. ordinary
  136. Ordos City
  137. Ordu
  138. Orekhovo-Zuyevo
  139. Orenburg
  140. organ
  141. organic
  142. organisation
  143. organization
  144. organize
  145. orient
  146. origin
  147. originate
  148. Orizaba
  149. Orlando, Florida
  150. Orléans
  151. Ormoc City
  152. ornament
  153. Orsha
  154. Orsk
  155. Orumiyeh
  156. Oruro
  157. Oryol
  158. Osaka
  159. Osasco
  160. Osh
  161. Oshawa
  162. Oshogbo
  163. Osijek
  164. Oslo
  165. Osmaniye
  166. osmiumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Os, atomic number 76, and atomic weight 190.2.last updated 16 Feb 2015 updated 16 Feb 2015
  167. Osnabrück
  168. Osorno
  169. ossified
  170. ostentation
  171. Ostrava
  172. ostrichopen closeostrich" is something which is a bird that is the largest fast-running flightless African bird with a naked head, long neck, long legs, stout two-toed feet and a dark feathered body.last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  173. Ota
  174. Otaru
  175. other
  176. others
  177. otherwise
  178. Otsu
  179. Ottawa
  180. otteropen closeotter" is something which is an animal that is a semiaquatic carnivorous musteline mammal with a long streamlined body, smooth dark brown fur and webbed, and lives in freshwater.last updated 18 Mar 2015 updated 18 Mar 2015
  181. Ouagadougou
  182. Ouargla
  183. ouch
  184. ought
  185. Oujda
  186. Oulu
  187. ounce
  188. our
  189. Ourense
  190. ours
  191. ourselves
  192. oust
  193. out
  194. outgoing
  195. outline
  196. outlying
  197. outrageous
  198. outside
  199. outstanding
  200. outward
  201. oval
  202. oven
  203. over
  204. overage
  205. overalls
  206. overcoat
  207. overcome
  208. overconfident
  209. overconfidently
  210. overdo
  211. overdraw
  212. overflow
  213. overhear
  214. overjoyed
  215. Overland Park, Kansas
  216. overrated
  217. overt
  218. overtake
  219. overthrow
  220. overwrought
  221. Oviedo
  222. ow
  223. owe
  224. owlopen closeowl" is something which is a bird that is a nocturnal bird of prey with a large head, a large front-facing eyes, a facial disc, a small hooked powerful bill, strong claws, soft feathers, and a short neck, and usually hunts at night.last updated 25 Mar 2015 updated 25 Mar 2015
  225. owlishly
  226. own
  227. owner
  228. ownership
  229. oxopen closeox" is something which is an animal that is a domesticated bovine animal used for pulling loads and kept for meat.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  230. oxbirdopen closeoxbird" is something which is a bird that is a dunlin, Sanderling or sandpiper.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  231. Oxford
  232. Oxnard, California
  233. oxygenopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol O, atomic number 8, and atomic weight [15.99, 16].last updated 16 Feb 2015 updated 16 Feb 2015
  234. oy
  235. Oyama
  236. Oyo
  237. oysteropen closeoyster" is something which is an animal that is a large bivalve mollusc with a rough irregular flat shell usually lying on coastal sea bed.last updated 18 Mar 2015 updated 18 Mar 2015
  238. Ozamiz City


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