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English Vocabulary: w

  1. wacky
  2. Waco, Texas
  3. wad
  4. Wad Madani
  5. Wadhwan
  6. Wafangdian
  7. wage
  8. wages
  9. waggish
  10. Wah Cantonment
  11. wail
  12. waist
  13. wait
  14. waiter
  15. waiting
  16. Wakayama
  17. wakeopen closewake" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of throwing a wake.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  18. wakeful
  19. Wałbrzych
  20. walkopen closewalk" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of moving step by step.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  21. walking
  22. wallopen closeThe side of a room or building that is a construction or support used to separate or surround an area or something from others, and is usually made of stone, brick, wood, etc with length and height much greater than its thickness in general.last updated 05 Jan 2016 updated 05 Jan 2016
  23. wallabyopen closewallaby" is something which is an animal that is a herbivorous marsupial like a kangaroo but smaller.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  24. walrusopen closewalrus" is something which is an animal that is a large gregarious marine mammal with tough thick wrinkled hide, upper canine teeth enlarged as two long downward pointing ivory tusks, long hairs growing near mouth and coarse stiff whiskers.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  25. Walsall
  26. wander
  27. wandering
  28. want
  29. wanting
  30. Wanxian
  31. war
  32. Warangal
  33. Wardha
  34. warlike
  35. warm
  36. warmly
  37. warmth
  38. warn
  39. warped
  40. warren
  41. Warren, Michigan
  42. Warrington
  43. Warsaw
  44. wary
  45. was
  46. wash
  47. washeropen closewasher" is something which is a thin, flat ring or drilled disc placed between a nut and a bolt or two joining surfaces to spread the pressure or act as a spacer or seal.last updated 18 Feb 2015 updated 18 Feb 2015
  48. Washington, D.C.
  49. waspopen closewasp" is something which is an insect that is a hymenopterous insect with a yellow and black stripes body, wings and a sting and nests are not constructed from wax.last updated 18 Mar 2015 updated 18 Mar 2015
  50. waste
  51. wasteful
  52. watchopen closewatch" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of keeping lookout or staying awake at night.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  53. wateropen closeThe transparent liquid 'mass' substance of no color, taste, and smell that falling from clounds as rain and forming streams, lakes, seas, oceans of the World.last updated 21 Dec 2015 updated 21 Dec 2015
  54. water glassopen closeA small container that is usually a tube-shape drinking vessel with a flat base and no handle for drinking water during dinner, and is made from glass or similar material.last updated 08 Jan 2016 updated 08 Jan 2016
  55. Waterbury, Connecticut
  56. waterfowlopen closewaterfowl" is something which is a bird that is any aquatic freshwater bird living in or near water.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  57. watermelon
  58. watery
  59. Watford
  60. wave
  61. wavy
  62. wax
  63. way
  64. weopen closeA plural first person representation of the subject thing of a verb that is refered to the one together with at least one more by one's speaking or writing.last updated 05 Mar 2015 updated 05 Mar 2015
  65. weak
  66. weaken
  67. weakly
  68. wealthopen closewealth" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with the character of possessing worth or intrinsic value.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  69. wealthy
  70. weapon
  71. wear
  72. wearily
  73. weary
  74. weaselopen closeweasel" is something which is an animal that is a small musteline carnivorous mammal with a long thin body and neck, reddish-brown fur and short legs .last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  75. weather
  76. weave
  77. webopen closeA network or mesh of fine tough threads that is built by a spider using the fluid secred from spinnerets for trapping prey.last updated 03 Jan 2016 updated 03 Jan 2016
  78. webmasteropen closeA person who is responsible for the creation, maintenance and administration of a particular website on the World Wide Web or internet as a profession or an occupation.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  79. wed
  80. wedge
  81. wee
  82. weed
  83. week
  84. weekday
  85. weekend
  86. weeny
  87. weep
  88. Weifang
  89. weigh
  90. weight
  91. weighty
  92. Weihai
  93. Weihui
  94. Weinan
  95. weird
  96. welcome
  97. well
  98. well-groomed
  99. Wellington
  100. well-made
  101. well-off
  102. well-to-do
  103. wend
  104. Wendeng
  105. Wenzhou
  106. were
  107. westopen closewest" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth from which the Sun sets in the evening, and is equal to the opposite direction of the Earth's rotation and perpendicular to north and south.last updated 25 Feb 2015 updated 25 Feb 2015
  108. West Bromwich
  109. West Covina, California
  110. West Valley City, Utah
  111. western
  112. Westminster, Colorado
  113. west-northwestopen closewest-northwest" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between west and northwest.last updated 25 Feb 2015 updated 25 Feb 2015
  114. west-southwestopen closewest-southwest" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between west and southwest.last updated 25 Feb 2015 updated 25 Feb 2015
  115. wet
  116. wetly
  117. weyr
  118. whaleopen closewhale" is something which is an animal that is a large cetacean mammal with a streamlined body, flippers, a horizontally flattened tail, and lives in the ocean and breathes through a blowhole on the top of the head.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  119. what
  120. whatever
  121. wheat
  122. wheel
  123. when
  124. whenever
  125. where
  126. whereas
  127. wherever
  128. whether
  129. whew
  130. which
  131. whichever
  132. while
  133. whimsical
  134. whine
  135. whip
  136. whirlwind
  137. whisper
  138. whispered
  139. whispering
  140. whistle
  141. Whitby
  142. white
  143. whiten
  144. whitenessopen closewhiteness" is something which is the condition of a quality of something that is the degree of the quality of white color or appearance property of something, or the degree of the quality of being white in color.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  145. whitingopen closewhiting" is something which is a fish that is a marine gadoid food fish with a slender body,a dark back with silvery sides and underpartslast updated 26 Mar 2015 updated 26 Mar 2015
  146. who
  147. whoever
  148. whole
  149. wholesale
  150. wholly
  151. whom
  152. whomever
  153. whoop
  154. whose
  155. why
  156. Wichita Falls, Texas
  157. Wichita, Kansas
  158. wicked
  159. wide
  160. wide-eyed
  161. widen
  162. widgeonopen closewidgeon" is something which is a bird that is a dabbling duck with reddish-brown and grey plumage.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  163. widowopen closeA female person that one's husband has died and has not married again.last updated 21 Feb 2015 updated 21 Feb 2015
  164. widoweropen closeA male person that one's wife has died and has not married again.last updated 21 Feb 2015 updated 21 Feb 2015
  165. widthopen closeAn abstract idea of linear distance that is the measurement of a distance not in vertical direction between two reference sides which are usually located horizontally and is refered to the shortest dimenion in horizotal direction.last updated 15 Apr 2015 updated 15 Apr 2015
  166. Wiesbaden
  167. wifeopen closeA female person who is one's female partner in a marriage.last updated 20 Feb 2015 updated 20 Feb 2015
  168. wiggly
  169. wild
  170. wildcatopen closewildcat" is something which is an animal that is a kind of cat that lives in the wilderness with grey with black markings but is larger and ferocious, and has a bushy tail.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  171. wildebeestopen closewildebeest" is something which is an animal that is a large dark sturdy antelope with a long oxlike head, side curved horns, a beard and mane, a sloping back and a long tufted tail.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  172. wilderness
  173. wildfowlopen closewildfowl" is something which is a bird that is any bird living in the wild and is usually for sporting.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  174. wildly
  175. will
  176. Willemstad
  177. willfully
  178. willing
  179. willowy
  180. win
  181. windopen closeA concept of the natural bulk movement or current of air that move approximately in horizontal direction at any velocity on Earth.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
    open closeThe 'mass' matter of natural moving air that is strong enough to be felt or identified.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  182. windbreaker
  183. Windhoek
  184. winding
  185. windowopen closeAn opening in the wall or roof of a building that is usually fitted with glass in a frame to admit light or air, or allow people to see through.last updated 04 Jan 2016 updated 04 Jan 2016
  186. Windsor
  187. windy
  188. wineopen closeThe 'mass' thing of an alcoholic beverage that is made from fermented grapes or other fruits.last updated 22 Dec 2015 updated 22 Dec 2015
  189. wine glassopen closeA drinking vessel that is a small bowl with a stem and a flared foot for drinking wine, and is made from glass.last updated 08 Jan 2016 updated 08 Jan 2016
  190. wingopen closewing" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together having a wing or wing-like structure.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
    open closeA modified forelimb of bird that is coverd with large feathers and is used for flying.last updated 01 Jan 2016 updated 01 Jan 2016
  191. wink
  192. Winnipeg
  193. Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  194. winter
  195. Winterthur
  196. wintry
  197. wipe
  198. wireopen closewire is a mass thing which is a thin, flexible metal thread or rod formed by drawing with long lengths or in large quantities and is usually packed in coil or roll form.last updated 18 Feb 2015 updated 18 Feb 2015
  199. wiry
  200. wisdomopen closewisdom" is something which is the quality of someone that is the quality of the natural ability of using one's understanding based on insight, common sense, experience and knowledge to think, make and act good decisions and judgments, or the personal state or quality of being wise.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  201. wise
  202. wisely
  203. wish
  204. wisp
  205. wistful
  206. witchopen closewitch" is someone who is a female person that is a woman believed to have magical powers for harming or helping other people.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  207. with
  208. withdraw
  209. withhold
  210. within
  211. without
  212. withstand
  213. witness
  214. Witten
  215. witty
  216. Włocławek
  217. woah
  218. wobble
  219. woebegone
  220. woefully
  221. wolfopen closewolf" is something which is an animal that is a wild carnivorous mammal similar to a dog.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  222. Wolfsburg
  223. Wolverhampton
  224. womanopen closewoman" is somebody who is a female person that is an adult female human being.last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  225. womanhoodopen closewomanhood" is something which is the concept of an age span of a woman person that is the age span after girlhood or the state of being a woman.last updated 27 Feb 2015 updated 27 Feb 2015
  226. womanly
  227. wombatopen closewombat" is something which is an animal that is a burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupial like a small bear with short limbs, a heavy body, and coarse dense fur.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  228. women
  229. wonder
  230. wonderful
  231. wonderfully
  232. Wonju
  233. Wonsan
  234. woodopen closeThe 'mass' thing of trunks of trees that have been cut and prepared for making things, or used as a fuel or a building material.last updated 22 Dec 2015 updated 22 Dec 2015
  235. woodcockopen closewoodcock" is something which is a bird that is a woodland snipe-like bird but larger and having shorter leg and with a long bill, a short neck, brown camouflaged plumage, and is charactered by a distinctive display flight.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  236. wooden
  237. woodpeckeropen closewoodpecker" is something which is a bird that is a.climbing bird with brightly coloured plumage, a stiff tail and strong chisel-like bill for boring into tree trunks to get insects.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  238. woolopen closeThe 'mass' thing of a fine, soft, curly, or wavy hair that grows on the bodies forming the outer coat of a sheep, goat, yaks, or some other animals and is used as textile fiber.last updated 21 Dec 2015 updated 21 Dec 2015
  239. woolen
  240. woozy
  241. Worcester, Massachusetts
  242. word
  243. work
  244. workable
  245. working
  246. workmanopen closeA person who does skillful physical or manual works or operates an industrial machine ly as an occupation.last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  247. world
  248. wormopen closeworm" is something which is an animal that is an invertebrates animal with a soft slender elongated body without arms, legs or bones.last updated 20 Mar 2015 updated 20 Mar 2015
  249. worried
  250. worriedly
  251. worry
  252. worse
  253. worshipopen closeworship" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together having a character of love or admire one's work very much or too much.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  254. worshipperopen closeA person who goes to a religious ceremony to worship God.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  255. worst
  256. worth
  257. worthless
  258. worthy
  259. would
  260. wound
  261. wow
  262. wrack
  263. wrap
  264. wrathful
  265. wreck
  266. wreckage
  267. wrenopen closewren" is something which is a bird that is small passerine songbird with a slender bill, brown feather, short wings and a short pointing upward tail and feeds on insects.last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  268. wrenchopen closewrench" is something which is a tool with a shaped end of different sizes for gripping or turning things at one side and the other side is used as a handle.last updated 17 Feb 2015 updated 17 Feb 2015
  269. wrestle
  270. wretched
  271. wriggle
  272. wring
  273. wrist
  274. write
  275. writeropen closeA person who writes somethings, books, articles, poems, stories, etc., to be publishedlast updated 24 Feb 2015 updated 24 Feb 2015
  276. writing
  277. Wrocław
  278. wrong
  279. wrongly
  280. wry
  281. Wu'an
  282. Wugang
  283. Wuhai
  284. Wuhan
  285. Wuhu
  286. Wulanhaote
  287. Wulumuqi
  288. Wuppertal
  289. Würzburg
  290. Wuwei
  291. Wuxi
  292. Wuxue
  293. Wuyishan
  294. Wuzhong
  295. Wuzhou


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