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English Vocabulary: i

  1. Iopen closeA singular first person representation of the subject thing of a verb that is refered to the one speaking or writing by one's speaking or writing.last updated 05 Mar 2015 updated 05 Mar 2015
  2. Iaşi
  3. Ibadan
  4. Ibagué
  5. Ibaraki
  6. Ibarra
  7. ibexopen closeibex" is something which is an animal that is a wild mountain goat with long thick backward curving horns and a beard.last updated 23 Mar 2015 updated 23 Mar 2015
  8. Ibirité
  9. ibisopen closeibis" is something which is a bird that is a large tall wading bird with a long thin down-curved bill, a long neck and long legs.last updated 20 Mar 2015 updated 20 Mar 2015
  10. Ica
  11. ice
  12. Icelandopen closeA proper name that is used to name an ​island ​country, officially the Republic of Iceland, in ​the ​North Atlantic Ocean.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  13. Ichalakaranji
  14. Ichihara
  15. Ichikawa
  16. Ichinomiya
  17. icicle
  18. icky
  19. icy
  20. idea
  21. ideal
  22. identify
  23. idiotic
  24. idle
  25. if
  26. Ife
  27. ignorant
  28. ignore
  29. iguanaopen closeiguana" is something which is an animal that is a large tropical American arboreal herbivorous lizard with a greyish-green body with a spiny crest along the back.last updated 24 Mar 2015 updated 24 Mar 2015
  30. Iida
  31. Ikeda
  32. Ikere-Ekiti
  33. Ikoma
  34. Iksan
  35. Ila
  36. Ilagan
  37. Ilam
  38. Ilesa
  39. Ilhéus
  40. Iligan
  41. ill
  42. illegal
  43. ill-fated
  44. ill-informed
  45. ill-timed
  46. illusion
  47. illustrate
  48. illustrious
  49. Iloilo City
  50. Ilopango
  51. Ilorin
  52. Imabari
  53. imaginary
  54. imaginative
  55. imagine
  56. Imbaba
  57. imitate
  58. imitation
  59. immediate
  60. immediately
  61. immense
  62. immigrant
  63. imminent
  64. impalaopen closeimpala" is something which is an animal that is a large brownish antelope with lyre-shaped horns and moves with enormous leaps when disturbed.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  65. impartial
  66. impatience
  67. impedimentopen closeimpediment" is something which is a thing that is a hindrance, interference or obstruction making progress, achieving or movement difficult or impossible to do or complete.last updated 25 Mar 2015 updated 25 Mar 2015
  68. Imperatriz
  69. imperfect
  70. Imphal
  71. implausibility
  72. implement
  73. impolite
  74. import
  75. importance
  76. important
  77. imported
  78. impossible
  79. impress
  80. improbable
  81. improve
  82. improvise
  83. impulse
  84. in
  85. Inazawa
  86. incandescent
  87. inchopen closeA concept of measuring unit that is an imperial unit of linear measure of one twelfth of a foot and is approximately equal to 2.54 centimetres.last updated 15 Apr 2015 updated 15 Apr 2015
  88. Inchon
  89. incident
  90. incite
  91. include
  92. inclusive
  93. income
  94. incompetent
  95. inconclusive
  96. increase
  97. incredible
  98. incredulity
  99. Indaiatuba
  100. indeed
  101. Independence
  102. independent
  103. Indiaopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of India, in South ​Asia​.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  104. Indianapolis
  105. indigo
  106. indiumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol In, atomic number 49, and atomic weight 114.8.last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  107. individual
  108. Indonesiaopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Indonesia, composed of a group of islands in ​Southeast ​Asia.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  109. Indonesian
  110. indoor
  111. Indore
  112. induce
  113. industrious
  114. industry
  115. Inegöl
  116. inexpensive
  117. infamous
  118. infantile
  119. infect
  120. infestation
  121. inflation
  122. influence
  123. influential
  124. inform
  125. informationopen closeinformation" is something which is a bird that is useful acquired, provided or learned facts and organized processed, structured or presented data about something or someone, a subject, an onject, a situation, a person, an event, etc.last updated 25 Mar 2015 updated 25 Mar 2015
  126. Inglewood
  127. Ingolstadt
  128. initiate
  129. inject
  130. injure
  131. ink
  132. inlay
  133. inn
  134. innate
  135. innocent
  136. innocently
  137. innovate
  138. Innsbruck
  139. input
  140. inquire
  141. inquiry
  142. inquisitive
  143. inquisitively
  144. insane
  145. insectopen closeinsect" is something which is an insect that is a small air-breathing arthropod with a body divided into head, thorax, and abdomen, three pairs of legs, and two pairs of wings for most species.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  146. inside
  147. insidious
  148. insignificant
  149. inspect
  150. inspire
  151. install
  152. instant
  153. instantly
  154. instead
  155. instinctive
  156. institute
  157. instruct
  158. instrument
  159. insufficient
  160. insult
  161. insurance
  162. insure
  163. integrate
  164. intelligence
  165. intelligent
  166. intend
  167. intense
  168. intensely
  169. intensify
  170. intention
  171. intentionally
  172. intently
  173. interest
  174. interesting
  175. interestingly
  176. interfere
  177. interference
  178. interlay
  179. internal
  180. international
  181. Internet
  182. interpret
  183. interrupt
  184. interruption
  185. intervene
  186. interview
  187. into
  188. intrigue
  189. introduce
  190. introduction
  191. introvertopen closeA person who is charaterized by a shy, quiet, reticent and unable to make friends easily character.last updated 21 Mar 2015 updated 21 Mar 2015
  192. intrusion
  193. invade
  194. invent
  195. inventionopen closeinvention" is something which is an idea that is the act or process of creating things of never made before.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  196. inventor
  197. inventory
  198. invest
  199. investigate
  200. invincible
  201. invite
  202. involve
  203. inward
  204. inwardly
  205. iodineopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol I, atomic number 53, and atomic weight 126.9.last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  206. Ipatinga
  207. Ipoh
  208. Ipswich
  209. Iquique
  210. Iquitos
  211. Iranopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, in ​western ​Asia​.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  212. Irapuato
  213. Iraqopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Iraq, in ​western ​Asia.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  214. irate
  215. Irbid
  216. iridiumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ir, atomic number 77, and atomic weight 192.2.last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  217. Iriga
  218. Irish
  219. Irkutsk
  220. ironopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Fe, atomic number 26, and atomic weight 55.85.last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  221. irregular
  222. irritably
  223. irritate
  224. irritating
  225. Iruma
  226. Irvine
  227. Irving
  228. is
  229. Ise
  230. Isesaki
  231. Ishinomaki
  232. Islam Shahr
  233. Islamabad
  234. islandopen closeisland" is something which is a piece of land that is surrounded by water completely.last updated 17 Mar 2015 updated 17 Mar 2015
  235. Ismaïlia
  236. Isparta
  237. Israelopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the State of Israel, in ​western ​Asia.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  238. Israeli
  239. issue
  240. itopen closeA singular third person representation of the subject or object thing of a verb that is refered to other already mentioned thing, animal by one's speaking or writing.last updated 05 Mar 2015 updated 05 Mar 2015
  241. Itaboraí
  242. Itabuna
  243. Itagüí
  244. Itaituba
  245. Itajaí
  246. Italian
  247. Italyopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Italian Republic, in ​southern ​Europe.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  248. Itami
  249. Itapecerica da Serra
  250. Itapetininga
  251. Itapevi
  252. Itaquaquecetuba
  253. itch
  254. itchy
  255. item
  256. its
  257. itself
  258. Itu
  259. Ivano-Frankivsk
  260. Ivanovo
  261. Iwaki, Fukushima
  262. Iwakuni
  263. Iwatsuki
  264. Iwo
  265. Ixtapaluca
  266. Izhevsk
  267. Izumi


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