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English Vocabulary: f

  1. fabric
  2. fabulous
  3. face
  4. facilitate
  5. fact
  6. factory
  7. faculty
  8. fade
  9. faded
  10. fail
  11. failure
  12. faint
  13. fair
  14. fairly
  15. fairy
  16. Faisalabad
  17. faithopen closefaith" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to the faithfulness of thing.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  18. faithful
  19. faithfully
  20. Faizabad
  21. falconopen closefalcon" is something which is a bird that is adiurnal bird of prey with long pointed wings,a long tail and a notched beak and catch other birds from above by diving.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  22. fallopen closefall" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to the fallings of thing, the sudden appearance in flight at night, of the birth of an animal.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  23. fallacious
  24. false
  25. fame
  26. familiar
  27. familyopen closefamily" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to each other.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  28. famous
  29. famously
  30. fan
  31. fanatical
  32. fancy
  33. fanfare
  34. fang
  35. fantastic
  36. far
  37. far-flung
  38. Faridabad
  39. farm
  40. farmeropen closeA person who operates, manages or owns a farm that raising living organism for food or raw materials.last updated 23 Feb 2015 updated 23 Feb 2015
  41. farmhouseopen closeA physical structural object that is the main house on a farm in which the farmer lives or a house attached to a farm from which the farm is managed.last updated 01 Apr 2015 updated 01 Apr 2015
  42. farrow
  43. Farrukhabad
  44. fascinated
  45. fashion
  46. fast
  47. fasten
  48. fat
  49. fatally
  50. fate
  51. Fatehpur
  52. fatheropen closeA male person who is one's male parent.last updated 20 Feb 2015 updated 20 Feb 2015
  53. father-in-lawopen closeA male person who is the father of one's spouse.last updated 19 Feb 2015 updated 19 Feb 2015
  54. fatten
  55. faucet
  56. fault
  57. faulty
  58. favor
  59. favorite
  60. fax
  61. Fayetteville
  62. Fayyum
  63. fear
  64. fearful
  65. fearless
  66. feastopen closefeast" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to a special or a large meal for many people.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  67. featheropen closeThe flat light appendage growing from a bird’s skin that consists a partly hollow horny shaft fringed with vanes of barbs like hairs on either side, and forms the plumage covering the body.last updated 01 Jan 2016 updated 01 Jan 2016
  68. federal
  69. feeble
  70. feed
  71. feel
  72. feeling
  73. feet
  74. feigned
  75. Feira de Santana
  76. Felixopen closeA name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 27 Feb 2015 updated 27 Feb 2015
  77. fellow
  78. fellowshipopen closefellowship" is something which is a collection of something that group together having the same fellowship.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  79. feltopen closeThe 'mass' thing of matted fabric material that is made by rolling , pressing, and matting together fibres of wool, fur, synthetic etc.last updated 24 Dec 2015 updated 24 Dec 2015
  80. female
  81. fence
  82. Fengcheng
  83. Fenghua
  84. Fergana
  85. fermiumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Fm, atomic number 100, and atomic weight ().last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  86. fern
  87. ferociously
  88. Ferrara
  89. Ferraz de Vasconcelos
  90. ferretopen closeferret" is something which is an animal that is a small domesticated polecat with a long body andalbino, brownish, or silver-gray fur.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  91. fertile
  92. fervently
  93. Fes
  94. fesnying
  95. festive
  96. fetch
  97. fever
  98. feverish
  99. few
  100. fibreopen closeAny natural or synthetic long continous thin thread or filament substance or material that can be obtained from vegetables, woods, animals, minerals, or produced by biological or chemical method, and is usually used in the manufacture of other material.last updated 24 Dec 2015 updated 24 Dec 2015
  101. fibrous
  102. fiction
  103. fictitious
  104. fie
  105. fieldopen closefield" is something which is a collection of something that gather together on an area of land with grass.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  106. fierce
  107. fiercely
  108. fiery
  109. fifth
  110. fig
  111. fight
  112. figure
  113. Fijiopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Fiji, composed of more than 800 islands in the ​Pacific Ocean​.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  114. file
  115. Filipino
  116. fill
  117. film
  118. filthy
  119. finopen closeAn organ part that is a firm flattened appendage on various parts of the body for propelling, steering, and balancing of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates.last updated 17 Apr 2015 updated 17 Apr 2015
  120. final
  121. finalize
  122. finally
  123. finance
  124. financial
  125. finchopen closefinch" is something which is a bird that is a small songbird with short stout bill and colourful plumage.last updated 20 Mar 2015 updated 20 Mar 2015
  126. find
  127. fine
  128. finger
  129. finicky
  130. finish
  131. Finlandopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Finland, in ​​northern ​Europe.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  132. fire
  133. firefighteropen closeA person who fights fires or works to put out fires.last updated 23 Feb 2015 updated 23 Feb 2015
  134. fireflyopen closeA small nocturnal insect that has a soft body, luminescent abdominal organs at tail and is usually winged.last updated 03 Jan 2016 updated 03 Jan 2016
  135. fireman
  136. fireplaceopen closeAn architectural structure that is a built place in a room designed to contain a domestic fire.last updated 06 Jan 2016 updated 06 Jan 2016
  137. firescreenopen closeA protective screen that is placed in front of an open fire.last updated 06 Jan 2016 updated 06 Jan 2016
  138. firewoodopen closefirewood" is something which is an object that is a piece of wood used for make a fire as fuel.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  139. fireworks
  140. firm
  141. Firozabad
  142. first
  143. fishopen closeAn animal that is a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills, and usually has fins and scales and lives in water.last updated 20 Mar 2015 updated 20 Mar 2015
  144. fishermanopen closeA person who catches fish as a profession or for sport.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  145. fistful
  146. fit
  147. fitted sheetopen closeA pre-sewn fabric cover sheet that is designed to fit tightly over a mattress by shaping its ends with elasticated corners.last updated 30 Jan 2016 updated 30 Jan 2016
  148. five
  149. fix
  150. fixed
  151. flag
  152. flagrant
  153. flaky
  154. flame
  155. flamingoopen closeflamingo" is something which is a bird that is a large tall wading bird with a very long neck, long thin legs, a pink-and-red plumage and heavy downward-bent bill and lives in brackish lakes.last updated 25 Mar 2015 updated 25 Mar 2015
  156. flange
  157. flap
  158. flash
  159. flasheropen closeA person who exposes or shows one's sexual organs in public indecently.last updated 26 Mar 2015 updated 26 Mar 2015
  160. flashy
  161. flat
  162. flat sheet
  163. flatten
  164. flavor
  165. flawless
  166. fleaopen closeA very small wingless jumping insect that has a hard laterally compressed body, strong legs for jumping, and feeds on warm-blooded animals.last updated 03 Jan 2016 updated 03 Jan 2016
  167. flee
  168. fleet
  169. fleroviumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Fl, atomic number 114, and atomic weight ().last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  170. flesh
  171. flick
  172. flightopen closeflight" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and fly in the sky.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  173. flimsy
  174. fling
  175. flink
  176. Flint
  177. flippant
  178. flipperopen closeAn organ part that is a broad flat limb without fingers using for swimming by sea animals.last updated 18 Apr 2015 updated 18 Apr 2015
  179. floatopen closefloat" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and float on the surface of water.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  180. flock
  181. flood
  182. flooropen closeThe inner lower surface of a room that is the surface, usually flat, on which one walks and stands.last updated 04 Jan 2016 updated 04 Jan 2016
  183. Florence
  184. Florencia
  185. Florianópolis
  186. Floridablanca
  187. Floridian
  188. flotilla
  189. flounderopen closeA fish that is a small fish with flat, greyish-brown body and prickly scales living in shallow coastal water.last updated 17 Apr 2015 updated 17 Apr 2015
  190. flour
  191. flow
  192. floweropen closeflower" is something which is a plant that is a plant bearing blooms or blossoms.last updated 18 Mar 2015 updated 18 Mar 2015
  193. flowery
  194. fluffy
  195. fluid
  196. fluorineopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol F, atomic number 9, and atomic weight 19.00.last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  197. flush
  198. fluther
  199. fluttering
  200. flyopen closefly" is something which is an insect that is a flying insect with a single pair of transparent wings and sucking mouthparts.last updated 19 Mar 2015 updated 19 Mar 2015
  201. foamy
  202. Focşani
  203. fog
  204. Foggia
  205. foggy
  206. foldopen closefold" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together and are surrounded by a fence.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  207. folding
  208. follow
  209. following
  210. fond
  211. fondly
  212. Fontana
  213. foodopen closeThe 'mass' thing of any substance that contains nutrients and is eaten or absorbed by living organisms for keeping them alive and growth.last updated 22 Dec 2015 updated 22 Dec 2015
  214. fool
  215. foolish
  216. foolishly
  217. footopen closeA concept of measuring unit that is an imperial unit of linear measure of twelve inch and is approximately equal to 0.3048 metres.last updated 15 Apr 2015 updated 15 Apr 2015
  218. footboardopen closeA furniture component that is usually an upright panel served as a complement to the headboard at the foot of a bed, and is the terminal formed or placed at the end of a bed.last updated 30 Jan 2016 updated 30 Jan 2016
  219. for
  220. forbid
  221. force
  222. forecast
  223. forego
  224. foregoing
  225. foreign
  226. forenameopen closeforename" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name a person at birth as a part of one's full name and is the name before one's family name.last updated 24 Feb 2015 updated 24 Feb 2015
  227. foresee
  228. forestopen closeforest" is something which is a collection of something that are tall things grouped together as dense as a forest.last updated 01 Mar 2015 updated 01 Mar 2015
  229. foresteropen closeA person who is in charge of taking care of a forest, or skilled in forestry, planting, managing, or caring for trees and cutting down trees, etc. as a profession or an occupation.last updated 25 Mar 2015 updated 25 Mar 2015
  230. foretell
  231. forget
  232. forgetful
  233. forgive
  234. fork
  235. Forlì
  236. forlorn
  237. form
  238. formal
  239. former
  240. Formosa
  241. formulate
  242. forsake
  243. Fort Collins
  244. Fort Lauderdale
  245. Fort Wayne
  246. Fort Worth
  247. Fortaleza
  248. Fort-de-France
  249. forth
  250. fortunate
  251. fortunately
  252. fortune
  253. forward
  254. Foshan
  255. four
  256. fowl
  257. foxopen closefox" is something which is an animal that is a carnivorous mammal with large pointed ears, apointed muzzle, a bushy tail and reddish-brown fur.last updated 22 Mar 2015 updated 22 Mar 2015
  258. Foz do Iguaçu
  259. fragile
  260. fragment
  261. fragrant
  262. fraid
  263. frail
  264. frameopen closeA rigid enclosing structure that is a case or border used to surround and fit something, such as a picture, inside, and provides holding, or support function.last updated 06 Jan 2016 updated 06 Jan 2016
  265. framework
  266. Franca
  267. Franceopen closeA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the French Republic, in ​western ​Europe.last updated 26 Jan 2016 updated 26 Jan 2016
  268. Francisco Morato
  269. Francistown
  270. franciumopen closeA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Fr, atomic number 87, and atomic weight ().last updated 15 Feb 2015 updated 15 Feb 2015
  271. Franco da Rocha
  272. Frankenstein
  273. Frankfurt am Main
  274. frankly
  275. frantic
  276. frantically
  277. fray
  278. free
  279. freedom
  280. freely
  281. Freetown
  282. freeze
  283. freezing
  284. Freiburg im Breisgau
  285. Fremont
  286. French
  287. frenetically
  288. frequency
  289. frequent
  290. fresh
  291. Fresno
  292. fretful
  293. friction
  294. friendopen closeA person that one likes a lot and knows well, but is usually not a member of one's family.last updated 21 Feb 2015 updated 21 Feb 2015
  295. friendly
  296. friendship
  297. fright
  298. frighten
  299. frightened
  300. frightening
  301. frightfully
  302. frigid
  303. frogopen closefrog" is something which is an animal that lives in water and on land and has smooth skin, no tail, and long powerful back legs for jumping from place to place.last updated 17 Mar 2015 updated 17 Mar 2015
  304. froggery
  305. from
  306. front
  307. frosty
  308. frozen
  309. fruit
  310. fry
  311. frying
  312. Fu'an
  313. Fuchu
  314. fuel
  315. Fuenlabrada
  316. Fuji
  317. Fujieda
  318. Fujimi
  319. Fujin City
  320. Fujinomiya
  321. Fujisawa
  322. Fukui
  323. Fukuoka
  324. Fukushima
  325. Fukuya
  326. Fukuyama
  327. Fuling
  328. full
  329. Fullerton
  330. fully
  331. fumbling
  332. fun
  333. Funabashi
  334. Funchal
  335. function
  336. functional
  337. funeral
  338. fungusopen closefungus" is something which is a filamentous organism that is not a plant without chlorophyll, leaves, true stems, and roots, but lives as saprotrophs or parasites, feeds from decaying material or living things, and reproduce by spores.last updated 20 Mar 2015 updated 20 Mar 2015
  339. funny
  340. fur
  341. furiously
  342. furnish
  343. furniture
  344. furry
  345. Fürth
  346. further
  347. furtive
  348. Fushun
  349. future
  350. futuristic
  351. Fuxin
  352. Fuyang
  353. Fuzhou
  354. fuzzy


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