ElectricElectric ForcePolarizationInsulatorElectric Field of Charged RodElectric Field of Charged Ring, Disk, and PlaneElectric Field of Charged Spherical ShellPotential EnergyPotential DifferenceElectric PotentialElectric EnergyElectric CurrentMagnetic FieldKirchhoff's Current LawSteady StateCapacitor Charge and DischargeRC Circuit Time ConstantCurrent Density, ConductivityMagnetic ForceElectricity, MagnetismMotor, GeneratorGauss's LawAmpere's LawFaraday's Law, Lenz's LawSuperconductor, InductorMaxwell's Equations Draft for Information Only
Content Maxwell's Equations with No Charges
Maxwell's Equations with No ChargesIn the absence of sources, charges, currentGauss's Law:
Wave EquationsOnce a wave starts, Both Faraday and Ampere equations keep going. Feed one equation into the other:
In other words, both 𝐸 and 𝐵 are waving.Solution of Wave EquationLet 𝐸 be wave of the form:𝐸=𝐸0 𝑧 ∂2∂𝑥2+ ∂2∂𝑦2+ ∂2∂𝑧2 ∂2∂𝑥2 𝑧 1𝑐2 ∂2∂𝑡2 𝐸= −𝜔2𝑐2𝐸0 𝑧 If 𝜔=𝑐𝑘 then left and right terms are the same. And 𝐸=𝐸0 𝑧is the wave solution of 𝐸. For the differential form of Faraday's law, ∇× 𝐸=− ∂, let 𝐸 be wave of the form: 𝐸=𝐸0 𝑧, then ∇× 𝐸= = 𝑦≡− ∂ → 𝑘𝜔 𝑦= 𝐸0𝑐 𝑦 Self-sustaining wave that can go on forever. 𝐸 and 𝐵 are perpendicular to each other, and to the direction of propagation: 𝑣∥ 𝐸× 𝐵where the magnitude of 𝑣 is 𝑐. Electromagnetic SpectrumGamma rays--X rays--Light(Ultra-Violet--Visible light--Infra-Red)--MicroWave--Radio(TV--FM--Amateur band--AM--Long Wave)Accelerated ChargesElectromagnetic pulse can propagate in space. Information about the charge's wiggle travels outward at the speed of light. The disturbance takes the shape of a sphere. 𝐸radial∼(1/𝑟^3);𝐸transverse∼(1/𝑟), therefore 𝐸transverse≫𝐸radial at large distance.Transverse pulse propagates at speed of light. Since 𝐸(t), there must be 𝐵. Direction of 𝑣 is therefore given by: 𝐸× 𝐵Magnitude can be derived from Gauss's law, first shown by Edward Purcell. Field∼−𝑞 𝑎⟂ 𝐸radiative= 14𝜋𝜀0 𝑎⟂𝑐2𝑟 The direction of the transverse field is opposite to 𝑞 𝑎⟂. The electric field falls off at a rate 1/𝑟. Why is the Sky BlueOn the Moon, the sky looks black. Gas molecules scatter blue/violet light more than red light. Sky is blue for the same reason, the sunset is red.Source and Referencehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbHgG1iHoY0&list=PLZ6kagz8q0bvxaUKCe2RRvU_h7wtNNxxi&index=27©sideway ID: 200200802 Last Updated: 2/8/2020 Revision: 0 Latest Updated Links
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